Los Muertos Crew

Tarotscope For Today: Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Table of Contents


Your Card: Knight of Cups, reversed

If you’re feeling moody and combative it’s because you don’t have your feelings under control right now. If you don’t get a hold of them, they will begin dictating your life way beyond today. The reversed Knight of Cups indicates a strong need to confront certain emotions and give voice to them. You won’t feel stable again until you do. Initiate any conversations you’ve been avoiding. Communicate what you’ve left unsaid. Give yourself clarity in whatever realities or harsh truths you’ve been running away from lately.


Your Card: Ten of Cups, reversed

Today might not be the most harmonious and peaceful of days. You’re feeling disconnected from a person or people close to you—a lover, a friend, a co-worker. Tension is building today, or perhaps coming to a head. This is your cosmic sign to have an open and honest conversation. Address any issues, grievances, and frustrations. Be receptive to hearing the other party and holding space for their feelings. Can you come to a resolution? Is this a fulfilling connection? Or is there nothing left to work through?


Your Card: Ace of Swords

Today is going to be a day of clarity—wherever you’ve been seeking answers, feeling confused, or been left in the dark. You’re either getting a major breakthrough or being hit with a harsh reality coming to light. The truth may be painful and not at all what you want to hear, but it’ll set you on the right path. The Ace of Swords also serves as encouragement to ask for transparency you may feel like you’re not getting. Be direct. Demand honesty. And remember, sometimes what your gut says about a situation or person is all the proof you need.


Your Card: The Star, reversed

You can choose to fall into the pit of despair today, or you can choose to remain hopeful in the face of adversity. Things may feel difficult or uncertain at the moment, but you have to realize that you’re in no way near finished writing your story. So, whether you’ve epically failed or been hit with a major disappointment, reframe it as an opportunity for renewal and to build again. Name your fears, self-limiting beliefs, and confining patterns. Then, let them go. Figure out how you’re going to regain your inspiration and sense of purpose.  


Your Card: The Magician

The Magician is a card of willpower, manifestation, and tapping into your full potential. It’s lighting a fire under your behind and telling you to get to work. This is your sign to start transforming those ideas of yours into something tangible. There’s nothing unattainable about your vision, Leo, you just have to start having more faith in your abilities. Come up with a game plan today detailing how you’re going to start taking action. Take a small first step towards whatever goal you have in mind. Make the magic happen every day. 


Your Card: Six of Wands, reversed

The reason you’re not feeling your best self right now is that you keep seeking validation outside of yourself. You’re not going to feel empowered until you learn that you and only you can truly validate yourself. Stop seeking external recognition and create your own definition of success. Comparing yourself to others isn’t going to illuminate your unique path, but further obscure it. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses and shortcomings, take time nurturing your strengths. Start small today by taking note of any negative self-talk and shutting it down. Make it a daily habit, marvel at how eventually you let go of your insecurities. 


Your Card: The Lovers

The Lovers show up to advise you to act from the heart today. Be super mindful of your actions, choices, and your words. While you should consider the feelings of others, it’s important that you move in a way that is true to yourself, your values, your desires, and your emotions. Whatever decision you’re struggling with, you can’t go wrong with letting your heart lead the way. You can have compassion for others, while prioritizing what brings you inner peace. Don’t be influenced by external factors, and just do what feels right to you. 


Your Card: Four of Wands

The Four of Wands is a card of celebration, excitement, joy, and belonging. This is your permission from the Universe to let your hair down, get loose, and have some fun. Whether it’s tonight or you make weekend plans, don’t let the week come to a close without savoring a bit of what life has to offer and connecting with your friends. Carve out time to live in the moment, enjoy yourself, and relish in the company of others. 


Your Card: The Hierophant

The Hierophant makes an appearance to remind you how important it is to allow yourself to lean on others. Yes, you can do anything, but sometimes that means reaching out for help. If you’re not managing well or finding the answers you seek on your own, lean on those you trust the most, on your friends, on your mentors, on your family, on your elders. Be open to their advice and learn from their experiences. Expand your mind to different ideas and concepts. 


Your Card: Knight of Wands, reversed

You’re not making the progress or seeing the results you would have hoped. The frustration at your stagnation is overwhelming you today, making it hard to see anything beyond it. The reversed Knight of Wands asks you to check in with yourself. Are you trying to tackle too much at the same time? The reason you’re not moving along the way you want is because your energy is too scattered. Perhaps it’d be a good idea to narrow down your attention and resources to fewer goals or projects, for now. Save the rest for later. Take your time. 


Your Card: Ace of Pentacles, reversed

Stop deliberating and start doing, Aquarius. Whatever you can’t get out of that brilliant, pretty little head of yours, just go for it. The reversed Ace of Pentacles urges you to stop hesitating and pursue your desires. Let today be the day that you stop making excuses or let fear dictate your actions. Yes, it can go terribly wrong for you. You might be met with rejection or failure, but nothing could be worse than living with the regret of not having the courage to take a chance. Today, start going after whatever or whoever you want to pursue.


Your Card: Justice, reversed

Be intentional about practicing self-forgiveness and self-compassion today, Pisces. Justice shows up in reverse when you need to be kinder to yourself and forgive yourself for your past transgressions. Whatever mistakes you’ve made, no matter how big or atrocious, you can redeem yourself as long as you’ve taken accountability and learned from them. Stop being so hard on yourself for how an older version of you chose to act when you weren’t a bigger person. If there are still amends or apologies you must make, do it today. Don’t let more time go by.