10 Flirting Tips For Shy Girls
“Do not think of anything except them. When you look at them, focus on how much you like them. When you talk to them, same thing. You can talk about something as mundane as the weather but as long as you’re simultaneously thinking about how you’re enjoying looking at them you’re going to give off signals, you’re going to smile and laugh more easily and seem more attractive in general. Psychologically speaking – people fucking LOVE to feel like you like them – so make sure you do and focus on that. Works like a charm, trust me.” — Charlotte_Sometime
“Be witty but positive. A lot of people go dark with their comebacks and so on, and for some people that’ll work. However, you probably wanna put the David Cross routine on hold until like… the 4th date and keep it fluffy.” — [deleted]
“Eyes. It’s all about the eyes. Look up, eyes big, look down. Smile.” — SadedOr
“For the ladies, if you’re flirting with a guy and he doesn’t seem to be receptive, it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s not interested. A lot of guys (especially those who aren’t on the receiving end of flirting very often) will completely misinterpret your signals as ‘she’s just being friendly’ or ‘that’s just her personality.’ Sometimes you literally do have to straight up say, ‘I like you, can we go out sometime?’” — thatfcknguy
“Try to put focus more on the other person and really take interest in what they tell you about themselves. If you genuinely take interest in someone else’s life instead of talking about yourself, they will do the same with yours.” — mosnegerg
“People don’t care that much if you say something embarrassing or weird, so you shouldn’t care either. From what I’ve learned most people actually like it when you’re just talking about whatever you feel like even if it’s kinda goofy or weird because it brings up genuinely good conversation that isn’t the boring stuff they always talk about with people trying to flirt with them.” — TheNumberSeven_7
“Literally, and I can not stress this enough, if you lack confidence just fake it. It’s the #1 thing when it comes to flirting and is very attractive. Emotionally I’m not confident at all, but I act like I am and this will get you were you want to be.” — [deleted]
“Make them laugh and make them feel like the only person in the room.” — [deleted]
“Compliment something they’re wearing especially if it’s a unique item. Something like, ‘That color looks great on you,’ ‘Nice shoes, those are super cool,’ ‘That’s a really unique necklace, you pull it off pretty well.’ It’s a good intro and then you can just talk about the thing and have a casual conversation. Mention the weather next or anything you might have in common – classes, the location where you are, etc… the goal is to just carry a conversion for a few minutes or so and see how it is. The conversations doesn’t have to be ‘hitting on someone’ just conversational and putting out the vibe that you think they’re cool. Practice by being conversational towards service workers. If there isn’t a long line behind you just simply ask how their day is going and get used to talk to strangers.” — onlyhappyth1ngs
“Talk to everyone! Not just people you’re interested in. It will help you learn to communicate and be less creepy. READ THE ROOM! If nobody is talking outside their group, go someplace else! If they are engaged in private conversation, don’t insert yourself. See what works and what doesn’t then keep practicing. Do volunteer work and talk to strangers. Talk to coworkers. You can’t flirt until you can talk comfortably.” — [deleted]