Nesrin Danan

4 Zodiacs Who Think They’re Better Than You (And They’re Probably Right)

Some zodiacs’ confidence is a little misplaced (hi, Leo) while others are just as awesome as they think they are. While the below zodiac signs may not actually think they’re better than you, the self-esteem that bubbles over whenever they speak really feels like it belongs. Are these signs awesome? Yes, and here’s why.


If you ever need someone in your life who will make an executive decision when everyone else is waffling about where to get dinner, get yourself an Aries friend. They have the kind of reckless confidence that propels them through life without a care in the world. They’re the ones asking people out as soon as they like them, who are going on spontaneous adventures, and who aren’t afraid to speak their mind when someone’s being shitty. Yes, they’re better than you, but an Aries friend is great at lifting up the people around them. They want you to be just as confident and decisive as they are, so you can count an Aries as one of your inspirational friends.


No one plans like a Virgo. The meticulous nature of everyone’s favorite nitpicky zodiac sign makes them better than everyone else at getting things done. They’re the ones who will see you doing a task and take it away from you because they can “get it done faster/better/easier.” Don’t be offended by their go-getter attitude, though. It has everything to do with their need for control and not how they actually feel about your abilities. Keep a Virgo friend around so all the cool vacation ideas you all bat around can actually come to fruition.


You know all the adventures you dream about doing? Sagittarius makes them happen. They think they’re better than you because you’re “stuck at home” while they’re out seizing the day. Of course, the rest of us know that there’s nothing wrong with being a homebody, regardless if your resident Sagittarius disagrees. even the most introverted of us could take a page from Sagittarius’s book, though. Sometimes doing the thing you’ve always wanted to do is the exact right thing. And heck, they make it look easy.


Capricorns are such hard workers, they make the rest of us look bad. They might think they’re better than you if you have a Capricorn as a coworker, and your bosses will probably agree. While they often work themselves to exhaustion, they at least have a bunch of output to show for it. Keep a Capricorn friend around to encourage you to be the best you can be. But don’t go full Capricorn, though, as these hard workers are always a few steps away from an exhaustion-induced nervous breakdown. At least you an be there for them when they finally need a break.