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4 Zodiacs Who Need A Serious Nap This Weekend (Jan 20-22)

There’s plenty of stuff you could be doing. Chores, parties, shopping. But for these four zodiac signs, the idea of spending even a moment of this weekend not in bed or sprawled out on the couch is an uncomfortable thought. Read on to see if you’re one of the signs who need a serious nap this weekend. (And you should strive to make that dream a reality.)


If you’re honest with yourself, you haven’t quite recovered from the holiday season yet. All that socializing and holiday parties really took it out of you. Add to that the fact that you’ve been trying to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions and you’re basically one more workout away from falling asleep on the job. Luckily, you’re pretty good at admitting it to yourself when you need a break. Take this weekend to sleep and reset. You’re no good to anyone if you’re basically one of the walking dead, Taurus. Sleep all day if you can. Wrap yourself in blankets and put on a show you’ve seen a million times before. Make or order food that requires no effort, and leave all your chores to another time. They’ll be there waiting for you when you’re ready.


It feels like you always need a nap, if you’re being honest. (Then again, will you be honest?) It’s probably because you never actually allow yourself to have one. It isn’t on your to-do list, and you aren’t getting pop-up reminders to nap from your calendar app. The longer you go without resting, the worse things are going to get. No one is immune to a nervous breakdown–not even you. Here’s the thing: Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of others. That’s why you put your mask on first on an airplane. Start putting self-care on your to-do list, because you matter, too. And first on the list should be taking this weekend to finally get the rest you’ve been needing for so long.


You get bored if you stay at home too long. Even a full weekend by yourself in your house sounds like some level of torture. While you love to get out there and do stuff, there’s also value in resting. I’m not saying you should sleep all weekend. Unlike the other signs on this list, you don’t need a complete reset. But even just one day catching up on the sleep you’ve consistently been losing? Yeah, you need that, Sagittarius. Spend an afternoon this weekend curled up in bed. You’ll be surprised when you wake up a few hours later from the deepest sleep of your life. Maybe you needed it after all, huh?


Unlike some of the other signs on this list, you don’t exactly keep yourself from resting and relaxing. You know all about self-care. It’s just that sometimes you over-extend yourself when your friends need you or invite you to things. So while you sit there longing for your own bed in your own home, you’re sitting there smiling while your friend gossips about the coworker they actively despise. I promise your friend won’t hate you if you take a moment to yourself this weekend. It’s just what you need right now. And you can always call them up after your massive nap to continue the gossip session.