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4 Zodiacs Who Need to Buckle Down and Get Serious


Retail therapy can’t solve all of your problems, Taurus. Sure, it’s a temporary high that has a proven track record of lifting your spirits, but it never addresses the underlying issue. When the thrill of upgrading your wardrobe, redecorating your home, or treating yourself to that new piece of jewelry has worn off, you’re left with the deeper desires you were trying to fill with things. You still want to feel like a new version of yourself. You still want a home that is filled with love. You still want to feel confident and satisfied with your success. And those are things that you just have to work for, but in an emotional way for an emotional paycheck. You have to do the soul searching, have you open yourself up to change, have to risk failure, have to put yourself out there day after day until you find the thing that is meant to fill the hole. The hobby, the relationship, the commitment, the self-awareness. Whatever it is, it’s time to stop pretending it’s a card swipe away.


That thing you want to do with your life, Leo? You can’t use social engagements as an excuse to keep putting it off. Stop telling yourself you’ll start that project when you have a free weekend, and then saying yes to every and anything, even the things you’re not interested in. Put yourself on that imaginary deathbed, and be honest with yourself. You know which friends give you quality time and which acquaintances leave you feeling distant and lonely. Which parties are the lifelong memories and which were just bad hangovers? You will regret the things you filled your time with and didn’t enjoy and wish you had spent that time following the dreams you were too scared to give a chance. It’s time for you to block off a Sunday morning, grab a cup of coffee and get to work. Write that first draft, that business plan, or that recipe. You need to make your dreams worth your time before they can be worthy of anyone else’s.


You have to choose the thing Libra. You are so back and forth on whether or not the opportunity in front of you is something that you want, that you’re letting it pass right by. Not everyone has a clear-cut life path. Not everyone knows 100% what they want before giving it a try. You don’t trust yourself enough to believe in a backup plan, or your ability to pivot. So you don’t apply for the new job, or the promotion, or sign up for the class you want to take because you’re afraid it’s not going to satisfy your needs. That it’ll be too much work, not interesting enough, too intimidating and scary. Everything you consider your comfort zone now was once unknown and new. You had to explore and learn and grow. There is something to be said for patience, for waiting for the right moment, but when that moment is sitting right in front of you and you do nothing, that too is a choice.


You need to dig yourself out of that hole, Sagittarius. The bad spending habits, the unhealthy diet, the lack of exercise, the pile of laundry. You’re the sign that lets things get so bad they don’t even know where to start to turn the ship around. You need a wake-up call, or a voice telling you to get your shit together. You respond to tough love because those demands still contain a belief that you can solve the problem, and when you have that external validation, sometimes it’s all you need to kick it into gear. So write yourself a note that will give you the push you need to invest in your future and take care of yourself. The smallest progress will drastically impact the way you feel by generating momentum and motivation.