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4 Completely Valid Reasons To Take A Break From Dating

Here are four completely valid reasons to take a break from dating.

1. You’re not over your ex.

Whether your breakup was recent or if it has been some time, if you’re still not over your ex, that’s a totally valid reason to take a step back from the dating scene. Use your hiatus to heal your heart, process your breakup, and truly let go of your ex. This way, when it is time to put yourself back out there, you will be ready to let someone new in.

2. You’re tired.

Dating is fun but it is also a lot of work. It gets exhausting after a while. After all, you’re dealing with ghosting and situationships and texting and getting your heartbroken and sometimes breaking others’ hearts. Over and over and over again. Emotionally, dating can be deeply taxing. And if you’re feeling yourself worn out from dating, this is a good time to take a break.

3. You’re honestly just too busy.

Not only does dating take a ton of effort, it’s also something that takes up a lot of your time. It takes time to build a relationship, to fall in love, to find the right person for you. If you are starting to feel pulled apart from everything you have on your plate and dating just feels like another to-do list item, it’s more than okay to admit that you are too busy to give your love life the attention it deserves right now.

4. You need to work on your relationship with yourself.

Finally, you don’t need to love yourself perfectly before someone else can love you, but you need to at least be working towards a positive relationship with yourself. If dating is distracting you from doing the work needed to love yourself better, then it is more than reasonable to take some time off the dating apps so you can fully focus on yourself.