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4 Zodiacs Prone To Toxic Relationships (And Unlikely To Leave Them)


Everything Cancer dreams of are inspired by love—it’s the motivation behind their every decision. Being that this sign is associated with the fourth house of the zodiac, Cancer deeply values home and family life—they want nothing more than to build these things. Cancer craves a secure emotional connection with someone above all else. Tragically, this sign is prone to lying to themselves about having such a connection when what they’re actually a part of is an unhealthy attachment. Cancer tells themselves that they can fix any problem and seal over any cracks in the foundation of their relationship when what they should be doing is letting go

Cancer is loyal to a fault, which unfortunately drives them to be devoted to the wrong people. They’re also extremely sensitive and emotional beings—Cancer will do anything and everything to have their love reciprocated, even go against their own better judgment. Those born under this sign often sacrifice their own happiness to make a one-sided relationship work. They have a tendency to fall for emotional vampires—people who drain them by constantly taking from them without giving anything in return. Cancer is exceedingly sensitive to their lover’s mood. When they feel as if they can’t keep their partners happy, they begin to believe they are lacking in something. So, they continue making efforts to please their lover, even when that person neglects Cancer’s emotional needs. Once this sign has made up their mind about building a life with a person, no amount of disappointment or heartache can get them to back out. It would be quitting in a Cancer’s eyes. 


Being that Libra is governed by Venus (the planet of love) and that they’re also the sign of partnership, they deeply value romantic relationships. In fact, Libra often seeks the balance they so intensely crave in romance. Libra is happier when they’re paired up. Unfortunately, sometimes who they’re paired up with doesn’t matter as much as the fact they simply are. Those born under this zodiac are constantly falling in and out of love. They are practically lost when they’re single. When they’re not committed, they jump from person to person until finding someone who sticks. Libra would benefit from asking themselves whether they’re in love with their companion, or rather, the nuances of being in a relationship. 

Those born under this sign are prone to codependent relationships because they tend to self-identify in them. They lose themselves when they fall for the wrong people. They become agreeable and neglect their own emotional needs, even going against their own values to keep their significant other happy. Libra sacrifices their own desires, inner peace, and even parts of themselves to be part of a “we.” Typically the type of toxic partners they’re attracted to are those who don’t know how to take accountability, those who have the right words to say but never follow through with action, and those who prey on their insecurities. Libra will rationalize away their lover’s toxic behavior, allowing the charms they originally fell for to placate any of their doubts. Because this sign shies away from conflict, they’ll bite their tongue to keep the peace. 


Scorpio is extremely devoted in relationships, even when that means devoting themselves to a life of misery. Scorpios are very reluctant to allow themselves to become close to anyone. It’s rare that Scorpio lets someone in, especially romantically. Even those in Scorpio’s inner circle don’t come close to ever truly knowing this complex sign. When Scorpio makes the decision to, not only let someone into their heart but to reveal parts of themselves they’ve never shown anyone, they hang on tight to that person. They do it even when a lot less pain would be associated with letting go. There’s also the fact that Scorpio can become addicted to the kind of intensity a volatile relationship brings. Those born under this zodiac feel and live in extremes. They get wrapped up in the passionate and sexual aspect, neglecting their emotional needs in the process. 

They can also mistake the darkness in others for depth. Initially attracted to the danger and intensity of their partner, Scorpio tends to fall into relationships that could never make them feel emotionally fulfilled. The type of toxic partner Scorpio is attracted to is one who constantly makes them feel like they’re “too much”—one who can’t match their emotional depth. Scorpio can feel empty lying next to this person at night, knowing that this person will never give them the deep intimacy they crave, but they’ll stay out of commitment. Scorpio will even go as far as gaslighting themselves, telling themselves that they’ll never meet another person who could tolerate their intensity or who they could ever show their true selves to. 


Ruled by dreamy Neptune, Pisces lives in their own magical fantasyland—especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Individuals born under this sign have grand, unrealistic expectations of romance. Unfortunately, sometimes this pushes them to step out of reality and look the other way when a partner is displaying toxic behavior. Pisces has an unhealthy habit of overidealizing their partners through rose-colored glasses. They will lie to themselves about the state of their relationship, and of their partner’s intentions. Pisces is creative—they can do an excellent job of editing a dark tale into a beautiful love story. 

This sign really does believe in true love—the deep, soul-merging type. Their desire for it can obstruct their judgment, making them prioritize the needs of the wrong person over their own. Their needs become those of their significant other—their ultimate goal is keeping that person happy. Pisces is a selfless sign who becomes self-sacrificing in love. Partners can sense this and take advantage of their big hearts, bending Pisces to see how long they can go without breaking. Because Pisces struggles with setting boundaries and saying no, they can get stuck in these types of unhealthy partnerships. Pisces will tell themselves that their lover will go back to being the caring person they fell for in the beginning, getting enough glimpses of that person to keep them hanging on. Their partner will give them just enough crumbs to keep Pisces where they want them—not because they don’t want to lose Pisces, but because they don’t want to let go of how good Pisces makes them feel.