7 Concrete Signs You’ve Stopped Putting Effort Into Your Relationship
Thought Catalog Agency

7 Concrete Signs You’ve Stopped Putting Effort Into Your Relationship

In order for a relationship to last, both people need to be putting in effort. Both people need to be trying their hardest to love each other right. Here are some signs you’ve stopped putting in effort and the relationship is bound to end — unless you decide to change your tune:

You don’t bother bringing up your complaints anymore.

Indifference is a dangerous thing. If you have stopped telling your partner what’s wrong because you don’t have the energy to fight — or because you feel like there’s no point in hashing things out because you’re going to be broken up sooner rather than later anyway — then you might as well end the relationship now.

You haven’t planned out dates in months — or years.

You don’t end up going on dates anymore because neither of you bothers to plan them. You see each other all the time, sure, but you aren’t doing anything exciting. You never plan out actual adventures. You have lost that romance you used to have in the early days because you’ve grown comfortable sticking to your routine.

You’ve stopped sharing your accomplishments with your partner.

They’re no longer the person you run to when you’re excited about the good news in your life. You would rather talk to your supportive friends and family members, leaving them the last to know what’s going on in your life. But communication is key in a healthy relationship. If they aren’t up-to-date on your wins, why are you even together?

You’ve stopped attending holiday gatherings together and going out with friends together.

Even though it’s healthy to have your own lives and maintain your independence, your lives should intersect from time to time. But if you would rather hang out without them every time you have the opportunity to leave the house, it could be a problem. It could mean that you’re better off apart since you’re slowly distancing yourself from each other anyway.

You never do favors for each other anymore.

You do your own laundry and your own dishes without doing theirs. And they do the same. Basically, you’ve both been living your own separate lives without helping each other out or checking in with each other. You might be a couple on paper, but you aren’t doing anything sweet for each other anymore.

You don’t feel the need to dress to impress anymore.

While your partner should love you for more than your appearance, and you shouldn’t feel pressured to dress up on a daily basis, you should go on dates every once in a while where you’re both putting in effort, where you’re both trying to impress each other the way you used to when you were first dating.

You’ve found yourself forgetting about anniversaries and birthdays.

Some couples don’t make a huge deal out of special occasions — but if they used to mean a lot to you and you’ve suddenly found yourself not caring anymore and not keeping track, it could be a sign you aren’t investing enough energy into your partner. It could be a sign you’ve grown bored or exhausted by the relationship.