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What To Expect From Each Zodiac On A First Date


Be prepared for honesty when you’re on a first date with an Aries. They aren’t the type to gush over a new date or put on airs if they really aren’t feeling it, so you can rest assured knowing that if an Aries is engaged in conversation with you or is ordering an extra drink or dessert, hoping to stay out just a little bit longer, it’s because they want to. There shouldn’t be any guesswork or games involved.


A Taurus will enthusiastically go all out on first dates. They’ll arrange for the finest food and the best entertainment, don an outfit that they carefully picked out to match the vibes. If you want to make a good first impression, be certain that you’ve at least tried to match the level of effort that your Taurus has put in to make the night special. If you don’t, they will absolutely notice and they won’t take kindly to it.


Geminis really want to get to know a person before they invest real time into them. So, on a first date, be prepared to answer a string of questions and engage in conversation from the moment it begins to the moment it ends. You may feel that you haven’t been given a chance to ask your Gemini anything, but that’s how they like it. Once you’ve passed their mental test, then they’ll consider letting you in.


Cancers have been through this before. While love remains the driving force in their lives, they’ve seen so much of its dark underside that they can’t help but approach every new relationship from a place of reservation until they feel that spark and get sucked back in again. A Cancer will likely be cautious with you at first, but don’t get discouraged. They just need to remember why they love being in love so much.


Nobody is quite as charming on a first date as a Leo. After just a few minutes with them, you’ll feel like they’ve already figured you out. This can be disconcerting to people—how is it possible that someone you’ve just met could have already seen you for who you are? Though it may feel disingenuous, lean into Leo’s undivided attention. Once you get used to it, you’ll be able to appreciate their warmth.


It’s true, Virgos aren’t always the most sociable creatures. They want a relationship, but often think of it in terms of practicality rather than intense emotions. On a first date they like to get right to the basics and determine then and there whether or not your partnership will work. Expect to feel like you’re being tested—you are! Know it’s not with malicious intent but rather an attempt to save both of you time and energy down the line if you want different things from life.


Libras will make you feel like they’ve fallen head over heels before the date is even over. Wooing others comes naturally to them–often, they don’t even realize the impact they have (or they claim not to realize). Despite how it may seem, it’s safe to assume that they’re not ready to immediately plan a future with you or make things official after one date. Once a Libra is really interested, they’ll be sure to let you know directly.


Scorpios are inclined towards grand gestures and statements when they meet somebody for the first time. There’s a reason their horoscopes always talk about their incredible magnetism–when a Scorpio has their sights set on you, it can feel like nothing else exists in the world. On a first date, it’s no different. A Scorpio will want you to feel awed by them, and will do everything in their power to accomplish that. 


Sagittariuses tend to hold a lot of restless energy in their bodies. You may notice them shaking a leg or tapping their fork against the table, not making eye contact for longer than a millisecond. Despite the confidence they so often exude, Sagittariuses are prone to anxiety on first dates. They’re picky about partners and, therefore, when they think they’ve found somebody that might work out long term, they can’t help but get overly nervous.


One thing to know about a Capricorn, is that they can easily see through bullshit. If you change your whole personality in order to impress them, not only will they notice but it will turn them off from ever wanting to see you again. Capricorns appreciate authenticity. Expect them to be cheerful but reserved, quietly evaluating whether you’re being honest with them. If you do impress them, expect a somewhat quick offer for a second date.


Aquarians want to know that they can have an intellectual conversation with their partner. After brief pleasantries, Aquarians will get right to the conversation topics that matter to them (often about art or social issues). This might seem off-putting, but really, what’s the point in discussing small talk like the weather or your coworkers anyway? Aquarians figure there’s no time like the present to figure out where somebody’s values are.


Pisces like to be wooed on first dates, treated like the interesting and unique person that they are. They will be looking to you for undivided attention, and if they feel that they aren’t receiving it, then they’ll quickly draw into themselves. A Pisces is not going to waste their time with someone that doesn’t value them, even right off the bat. If you want to impress them, show that you remember the tiny details they’ve revealed about themselves.