Thought Catalog Agency

This Is Each Zodiac’s Biggest Romantic Fear

ARIES: You’re afraid of vulnerability. 

You’re afraid of welcoming someone into your world and exposing your true self. You come off as tough, and you are, but you’re also a secret softie. Often, you’re misunderstood as being egotistical, but the truth is that you have insecurities, just like the rest of the world. You don’t want anyone to come face to face with those because you’re afraid of being perceived as weak. It’s okay to open up, Aries, and craving the kind of gentle love you do is nothing to be ashamed of. 

TAURUS: You fear change. 

Your comfort zone is the biggest barrier standing between you and intimacy. As a sign ruled by Venus, you’re drawn to romance and have an extremely sensual side, but you’re stubborn as hell. You crave consistency above all else. The idea of letting someone into your life and having to completely change your habits terrifies you. Love can be steady, Taurus, and it can bring you the security you seek for. Stop treating your heart like a fortress and let down those walls. It’s okay to rely on others. 

GEMINI: You’re scared you’ll settle.

Gemini, you keep your options open (and plentiful) when it comes to romance. You’re afraid of commitment because you’re afraid of settling with the wrong person. Your biggest worry is constantly wondering if the person you committed to is actually right for you. You’re terrified of letting someone in and building a life with them only to always wonder what else is out there. This only stems from your fear of feeling confined. By pushing love away, you’re the only one doing any confinement. Don’t close the doors on love. When it’s right, you’ll know.  

CANCER: You’re afraid of a lack of reciprocity. 

As the parental archetype, when you love, you love with your entire soul and being. You’re afraid to give your heart away only to be met with indifference or heartache. If history has taught you anything, it is that love isn’t always reciprocated. So, you’ve retreated back into your shell and avoided vulnerability at all costs. All those lovers from your past just weren’t the right person, Cancer. You shouldn’t let them hold such power over you. There’s real love waiting out there for you—a beautiful person who will love you back with equal intensity. 

LEO: You fear having to dull yourself down. 

As the ruler of the fifth house of lovers, romance, and self-expression, you adore everything that has to do with love. You crave adoration and affection more than anything else, but sometimes you push away good potential love matches. You’ve had your heart broken in the past by someone who tried to dull your shine. You’re afraid of relinquishing that kind of power over to someone else again. Leo, you should have more faith in yourself, and in love. The right partner would never try to steal your light. 

VIRGO: You’re afraid of not being good enough. 

You tend to keep people at arm’s length and hide behind your self-constructed protective walls. You do this to keep your self-perceived flaws and faults hidden. There’s no one you’re more critical of than yourself, harshly so. You’re afraid of letting someone in because of what an authentic connection might mean—exposure. You place such ridiculously hard expectations on yourself that you’re afraid you won’t meet those of a potential lover. What you really should be worried about is whether they can meet yours, Virgo

LIBRA: You fear codependency. 

You’ve lost yourself in love before—your biggest fear is doing it again. As the sign of partnership, who also values balance and harmony, you often seek those things in relationships. You’re afraid of falling into another codependent situation where you prioritize the emotional needs of another person over your own. In the past, you’ve overidealized toxic partners and neglected your emotional well-being in order to make a bad relationship work. Libra, heartbreak has taught you to set better boundaries, therefore you’ll attract a better lover. Don’t let your past drive a wedge between you and who is meant for you. 

SCORPIO: You fear discovery. 

Scorpio, you preach honesty and expect others to be open with you always, but you hold a lot close to your chest. You show others only what you want them to see. You fear romance because you’re afraid of opening up yourself to the wrong person. The heartache and betrayal in your past have made the walls around your heart higher. You don’t think that you can handle letting someone in to see all of you just to wind up regretting it. Listen to that fire burning inside you, Scorp. All that love and passion you carry deserve a home. 

SAGITTARIUS: You’re afraid of losing your independence and sense of self. 

You’re afraid romance will steal your independence and your wild free spirit. You don’t want to become attached because you fear that a partner would get in the way of how you live your life. You just haven’t met the right lover yet, Sag. Someone out there will respect your need for a little freedom. This is a person you’ll want to take along for the ride of a lifetime. Don’t close yourself off. The love of your life might just be someone who has your same insatiable lust for life. You shouldn’t be afraid to open yourself up to possibilities.  

CAPRICORN: You’re scared of losing control.

Your fears of romance stem from your need for control. You’re incredibly focused, responsible, and self-disciplined. Love, for you, seems like an unpredictable and potentially reckless situation. You’re just in your head, Cap. Let go of your need to analyze, formulate, and create a plan. Stop being so cautious with your heart and open it up a little. So what, if you have a relationship or a few fails? It’s the road that will lead you to the partner destined for you.

AQUARIUS: You fear losing your individuality.

Your apprehension about romance comes from your fear of losing your individuality inside a relationship. Opening yourself up to someone and falling in love doesn’t mean giving up who you are as a person. Commitment is about compromise, Aquarius. If you’ve made any unhealthy sacrifices in the past for someone you loved, they just weren’t the right person. There’s someone out there waiting for you—someone who will understand that you’re both separate individuals with separate lives and separate needs.

PISCES: Being used. 

You’re an incredibly kind, gentle soul who cannot help but give without expecting anything in return. You’re afraid of feeling betrayed and being taken advantage of again. You don’t think you can handle opening up yourself to someone again just to wind up hurt. Instead of pushing romance and love away, try working on setting better boundaries. There’s someone out there dreaming of a partner like you—someone who knows that emotional labor in a relationship should be 50/50.