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4 Birth Months Who Need A Boost To Their Confidence Before The End Of July 2023

Some of us have seemingly unending wells of confidence while others struggle just to feel good about ourselves for even a moment. Here’s something important to remember: We all deserve to feel great, to like ourselves, to live the life we want. But how you’re feeling lately could be boiled down to when you were born. If you were born in one of the following four birth months, you might have been struggling to feel good about yourself lately. You’re needing a huge boost to your confidence by the end of July, and here’s how you might be able to get it.


From the outside, it might seem like you have a ton of confidence. You’re great at getting things done and you’re not afraid to speak your mind. While those are great traits, they aren’t a replacement for high self-esteem. Deep down, there’s an insecurity that’s held a particularly tight hold of you lately. In these warm, sunny, fun moments of summer, do things that you know you’re good at. Build something, cook a delicious meal, help a friend. By doing the things you excel at, you’ll get the boost of confidence that you’ve been sorely needing right now.


You might be surprised to see your birth month on this list. After all, you’re not normally wanting when it comes to confidence–you’ve got it in spades. But there’s an area where you are instead filled with insecurity: Your social life. No matter how many friends you have, you sometimes worry that no one likes you. That you’re annoying. That they’re inviting you to events out of pity rather than a desire to see you. Babe, no. Before the end of July, get together with your friends and tell them how much you love them. They’ll reciprocate in a way that’ll boost how you feel about yourself. Because if others think you’re great, they’re probably right.


You value yourself based on a lot of things: How much you get done, how good you are at planning, how much you can help the people around you. But what about who you are deep down? What about your emotions? You tend to ignore those softer, emotional aspects of yourself. And those are the exact parts that could use a boost by the end of July. Your summer should be filled with fun, happiness, and warmth, and that can’t happen if you’re always running away. So do the fun things, say yes to events, and accept that you’re amazing.


You certainly seem like you have lots of confidence. Would someone with low self-esteem do all the fun things you do? Yes, of course. That’s because all the running around you do, all the crafts and travel and little adventures are great at smoke-screening when there’s something wrong. You can’t exactly stop and assess how you feel if you’re always moving. For the end of July, take a moment to stop and experience how you’re really feeling. Are you as happy as the energy you give off? Or are you hiding a lack of confidence even from yourself? You deserve to feel amazing, babe.