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4 Zodiacs Who Need To Get Out Of Their Comfort Zones This Weekend (July 28 – 30)

Everyone has a comfort zone that they often stick to. Some of our comfort zones are small, intimate. They’re so comfortable that we almost never leave. Then there are others who’s comfort zones are vast, all encompassing. For the following four zodiac signs, it might seem like they don’t even have a comfort zone, like they’re comfortable in all scenarios, but that’s not true. They just keep that to themselves, instead choosing to seem okay and comfortable even when they’re not. This weekend, those normally badass, confident signs need to check in with their actual comfort zones. It’s time to leave, babes.


Outsiders might not think you struggle with your comfort zone. Maybe they don’t even think you have one. After all, you’re bold and confident and go after what you want. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have anxiety in certain situations. Your comfort zone has to do with control and power. You like to be in control at all times and get uncomfortable when you don’t have a say in what’s going on. This weekend, don’t be so set in what you want to do. Let others take the wheel for a while. You should be able to trust your inner circle not to steer you in the wrong direction.


Unlike most of the rest of the zodiac, you find comfort in the unknown. You like your life to be exciting and chaotic, whether it’s a night bar-crawling places you’ve never been or making friends with strangers wherever you go. It’s the quiet things that give you trouble. The safe things. Routines are your absolute nightmare. This weekend, get out of your comfort zone by staying home. Do chores, meal prep for the week, invite a friend over for Sunday breakfast. Create a routine for yourself and you’ll realize that it creates a certain stability that’s invaluable, even for you.


You don’t like to be tied down. So many people look at your adventurous lifestyle and feel nothing but envy. What they don’t realize is that you’re often running away from something rather than toward an amazing experience. A quiet life makes you feel itchy. You worry that if you get comfortable at home, you’ll get trapped and will never be able to leave. That’s just not true. This isn’t some sci-fi dystopia. You have total control. This weekend, just spend it at home. Work on projects, read a book, sleep in. Do all the little things you’ve been avoiding. All those adventures will still be there next weekend.


While you’re an incredibly emotional and empathetic soul, that doesn’t mean you’re actually open with your feelings. Your comfort zone is in helping and listening to others. Your friends know they can come to you to unload and you’ll always be there for them. But what about the other way around? Do you feel comfortable having them listen to you? This weekend, stop keeping so much inside. Invite your most trusted friends over and tell them how you’ve been doing lately. They’ll likely feel even closer to you as you bare your soul.