5 Zodiacs Who Have The Best Shot At Winning 75K On Big Brother
Paramount Plus

5 Zodiacs Who Have The Best Shot At Winning 750K On Big Brother


This sign comes across as sweet, honest, and loyal, so everyone is going to underestimate them. Since they get along with pretty much everyone, they’ll make you feel like they’re your best friend. Like you’re the person they care about the most. You’ll be convinced that you can trust them with your secrets, that you’re on the same page, that they aren’t going to do anything to hurt you. However, they can be surprisingly sneaky and manipulative. They’re able to guilt trip others into doing their bidding. A Cancer will come across as completely innocent, so you won’t expect them to stab you in the back and take away the win.


Capricorns are logical. They think with their heads instead of their hearts. If they have to make a hard decision, they’re going to think through the pros and cons without allowing emotion to sway them. Capricorns have the guts to do what is best for their game instead of making the ‘nice’ decision and staying loyal. This sign is always thinking, always plotting, always moving. They’re going to be three steps ahead of you at all times. They aren’t impulsive like some zodiac signs so they aren’t going to jump into arguments that will be bad for their game. They are going to know when they should hold back information and when they should let it slip.  


This sign is compassionate. They care deeply about other people and that level of empathy can get them far. Instead of rolling their eyes when someone is upset, they’re going to be the person who sits there and comforts the other person. They’re going to gain allies just by being themselves. It might be hard for them to vote out people they consider friends, but their loyalty can also be an asset. It can help them gain numbers. Plus, they’re also imaginative, so they will be able to picture a thousand different scenarios. This will prepare them for anything that is going to come their way.  


Geminis are flexible. They’re able to blend in with the crowd, which makes them excellent at gaining allies. They’re be able to make anyone fall in love with them – and trust them. This will make it easier for them to play both sides. Since everyone will want them in their alliance, they will be able to pick and choose who they trust the most. The ball will be in their court. If they play their cards right, they can get full control over the house. Or they could simply run back and forth, exchanging information and keep themselves safely in the middle.


This sign is self-reliant. Even though they work well with others and are incredibly loyal, they don’t need another person telling them what to do. They can figure out moves on their own and will usually be leading others in the direction that is best for themselves. Aquarius are also eternal optimists. Even when they’re at their lowest, they will find a way to claw themselves back up to the top. They won’t give up until the game is over.