Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Will Dive Into Unknown Territory This Week


You know that “new” doesn’t mean “bad”, Sagittarius, and it doesn’t mean you have to be scared or embarrassed. Sometimes “new” feels more like home than anything you’ve ever known. Sometimes “new” requires you to dive in head first without taking a breath or a moment to plan or assess or determine the risk. Sometimes “new” is a magnet that immediately captures you in its hold, a pull that targets your very core in a way that leaves you feeling completely vulnerable and seen and understood. Sometimes there is nothing more you can do but respond to this unknown stimulus as naturally as a reflex, to live as purely and honestly as you ever have, and let logic tie up any loose ends in the aftermath.


A ‘what if’ you had never allowed yourself to imagine becomes your new reality, Virgo. You haven’t planned for this, haven’t thought it through. You’ve been preparing yourself for the exact opposite, in fact. You have to let go of the part of you that never allows yourself to be caught off guard and just follow the part of you that can barely be called a whisper. You know what you want, even if it’s not the thing you think you should want, or the thing you feel like you ‘can’ want. You’re not getting graded on these choices, and you don’t have to ask anyone’s permission. You only have to take that first step in whatever direction you choose, set your sights on a destination, and go.


You participate in something you have only been a spectator for thus far, Pisces. Adventure, intrigue, lust, romance, heartbreak. Whatever it may be, you’re getting a crash course, and like anything you set your mind to, it’s the accelerated version. The quicker you ditch those intrusive thoughts telling you you don’t belong here, the faster you can be present in your own reality. This isn’t a story or a metaphor, or some scenario you’ve imagined in your head while mentally checking out of work or chores or the daily monotony. This is real life, happening directly to you, in a way you’ve always secretly wished for. Step up to the plate, the spotlight, the witness stand. Your main character energy starts now.


You’re heading into no man’s land this week, Leo. Conflicting emotions blur as you tip-toe your way into the middle of the battlefield with peaceful intentions. Blows have been dealt, by both sides, but you’re at a point in your life where you can see you’ve lost track of that initial motivation that brought you to this point. You can, however, remember kinder times, when you and this co-combatant were on the same side. So you pull a Karlie Kloss and show up in the bleachers, white flag inherently implied. It’s a ballsy move, and there’s nothing left to do but see how this gesture is received. Nothing’s guaranteed, and you’re assuming all the risk. Here goes nothing, Leo.