Thought Catalog Agency

3 Zodiacs With The Most Accurate Vibe Checks

We all have intuition, but some people appear to be more attuned than others, almost as though they’re equipped with some psychic ability that the rest of the world can only dream of.

This isn’t a coincidence. The cosmological blueprint that we carry with us into life is reflective of every part of our personality, including our capacities for seeing what others do not.

When it comes to seeing past the façade, how does your zodiac sign measure up? These are the signs with the most accurate vibe checks.


There is no one more devoutly committed to truth and integrity than you, Virgo. You spend a great deal of your time worrying about your image and self-presentation, and carry yourself with very quiet confidence because you understand how the world works. You are built this way due to the foundation your early childhood provided: one full of shame, secrets, and profound psychological transformation. The result is that you have a uniquely discerning eye for dishonesty. It’s a blessing and a curse.


You know there is a fine art to navigating social situations, Scorpio. You’re not afraid to wear a mask when you feel it’s necessary. It’s just a survival instinct, after all. Your upbringing was eccentric and at times unstable, placing you in the role of caretaker to many. As a result, you are primed to understand what makes people tick, and how to get under their skin. Your whole identity is enveloped in shadow and mystery. You know there is always more than meets the eye and wish to bring everyone else’s secrets out into the light, too. Oftentimes you are frustrated by your naturally jaded and suspicious attitude, but deep down you’d prefer to be called a realist than a cynic.


You don’t know how to be anything but yourself, Aries. There is no part of you that is passive. Nevertheless, you know that such authenticity is not commonplace. You make it your life’s mission to parse out the devils and angels on everyone’s shoulders, sometimes very bluntly forcing others to answer the tough questions about their shadow selves. You see everyone as a potential co-conspirator, and you want to know what scares them before you go running off and chasing adventure with your new partner in crime. You often fly too close to the sun, but it’s pretty simple: you’d rather find out if someone is toxic before you give the time of day.