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4 Zodiacs Who Have Strong Witchy Abilities


In tarot, Cancer corresponds with The Chariot, which is all about growth through action and proceeding towards enlightenment. This card signifies being grounded in your purpose and exerting your own will in the world. The Moon, Cancer’s ruler, is represented by the High Priestess, the keeper of secret wisdom. This card is emblematic of intuition, the subconscious, insight, mystery, and general higher power. Together, these cards are an unstoppable force. The Chariot brings forth the discipline, while the High Priestess provides the insight. They indicate that all the power needed is found within. These are all the qualities of a natural born witch.

This water sign is known for their deep sensitivity, which can not only be a source of great emotion for Cancer, but a potent conduit for magic and manifestation. Hyper-intuitive Cancer can also sense when something is about to happen. Cancer can intuit words before they’re spoken, events before they take shape, and even things like heartbreak. They’re highly in tune with the emotions and intentions of others. Their strong intuition gives them innate skills when it comes to divination. They also have a strong connection to lunar magic and would excel at focusing on this practice, as well spiritual healing and mediumship. 


Season of the witch. Scorpio season. It’s the same thing. Scorpio is the witch of the zodiac—and the strongest. This sign, ruled by Pluto, named after the god of the underworld, possesses an inherent ability to navigate the occult realm. Their governing planet influences them to explore the hidden depth of knowledge and the mysterious. It also grants them the power of seeing what lies beneath the surface. Scorpio can intuit and predict things through their prophetic dreams. Their motivation for discovering unknown truths make them highly skilled practitioners in witchcraft. Born with a psychic and curious nature, they’re drawn to practices such as divination, Tarot, astrology, spell casting, and even communication with the spiritual world. Scorpio can receive and send messages to and from the dead. They’re not afraid of the taboo or of the darker aspects of life. Scorpio is magnetically drawn to that which scares most. It’s through the shadows that they can siphon their greatest magic. 

It’s not just their intuitive wisdom which grants them their power, but their transformative energy. Scorpio can bend dark energies to their will and for their benefit, transcending realms in the process. This sign is on a constant journey of death and rebirth. They rise higher each time they’re reborn from the ashes, transmuting their shadows to serve their manifestation. Scorpio can acquire anything they want if they put their mind to it. 


The sign of Aquarius governs the practice of astrology itself—it’s no surprise this sign was born with natural magical talent. They’re enthralled by the great mysteries of the universe and heavily influenced by the trajectory of the stars and planets. Aquarius finds comfort in the cosmos—by the way it makes them feel connected to something much bigger than themselves. Their mind and spirit can travel through the past, present, and future because they’re able to see the bigger picture. Aquarius speaks to the night sky and it speaks back. Like their corresponding tarot card, The Star, Aquarius lives balancing themselves between reality (earth) and intuition (water). 

This is the zodiac of rebellion—of taking the road less traveled. They’re ages ahead in their forward thinking. Aquarius explores unconventional methods in achieving their aims. Their power lies in their great capabilities of liberating themselves from barriers that impose upon their liberty and that of others, like a true witch. Aquarius is a visionary and progressive soul who places their energies in making the world a better, more beautiful place. They have potent manifesting and generating capabilities. Aquarius can spawn powerful things simply by setting clear intentions and taking action. This humanitarian’s highest purpose is the advancement of society. Imaginative, inventive, and risk-taking, they represent hope and new beginnings. 


Mystical and ethereal Pisces is the biggest believer of magic. They’re sensitive not just to our world, but to other planes of existence. Pisces believes in the power of that which remains unseen. It’s this unwavering faith that grants them their great power. They have a strong connection and understanding of the universe and its mysteries. Associated with the twelfth house, the house of the unconscious, they teeter on the line between this reality and unseen realms. Like their fellow water signs, Pisces is highly intuitive and a natural medium. They can tap into otherworldly energies and merge with them to bring about answers and manifestation. Pisces knows that if they can believe in it, then it’s already theirs. 

Ruled by Neptune, which governs dreams and the spirit world, this sign has a predisposition for psychic prowess. Through their dreams and visions, Pisces can discover that which is yet to be revealed. They’re also adept at interpreting signs from the universe—symbolism, imagery, and serendipity, which others fail to even recognize. Pisces can’t ignore the wonders of the world, and they use this for the empowerment of themselves and others.