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9 Signs They’re Disrespecting You In The Relationship 

Relationships require a lot of hard work, patience, and communication. Even so, there’s still one thing that is more important: respect. Under no circumstances should you ever settle for a partner who doesn’t treat you the way you deserve to be treated. You shouldn’t be with someone who doesn’t respect you.

Here are 9 signs that they might be disrespecting you in the relationship:

Dismissive of your needs, your boundaries, and desires.

If your partner consistently disregards your needs–emotionally and sexually–, isn’t willing to compromise, and priorizies themselves without considering you or your feelings, then this is just blatant disrespect.

If your partner is dismissive or of or crosses your boundaries emotionally or physically) this is a sign of disrespect. They should not push you into doing things you’re uncomfortable with or dismissing your desires for privacy — and you shouldn’t have to put up with that.

You should never settle for a relationship that doesn’t fulfill your needs or makes you feel as if you’re asking for too much. You should never settle for someone who isn’t giving you what you deserve.

Lack of active listening.

They fail to show interest into what you have to say (maybe it feels like you’re talking to a wall), they interrupt you, dismiss your thoughts, or ignore your opinions: these are all signs they simply don’t respect you.

They don’t make you a priority.

Relationships aren’t everything. Sometimes, work comes first. Sometimes, family and friends come first. But they should never ditch or forget about plans with you. They should never make you feel like an afterthought. You should never, ever feel like you’re not a priority to your partner. You should never feel like you’re a burden to them.

Lack of compassion.

Your feelings are valid.

Let me repeat that: Your feelings are valid.

You should not be with a partner who minimizes or invalidates your emotions. You should not be with someone who tells you that you’re overreacting about something (especially if you’re reacting a normal amount) or that you’re too sensitive. A person who refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of your feelings is not the person for you.


Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation. Someone who is gaslighting you makes you doubt your perceptions, reality, and memories, and make you feel like you’re crazy. You shouldn’t be with someone who constantly gaslights you and who doesn’t respect you, your feelings, or the reality of something.

Lack of equality.

To quote Taylor Swift, “My mistake, I didn’t know to be in love
You had to fight to have the upper hand.”

Yeah, you don’t. You shouldn’t.

A relationship is a two-way street. A relationship is about equal partnership. You should not be in a relationship where your partner is making decisions without your input or doing or saying anything to make you feel inferior or unequal.


This is an obvious one. If your partner is cheating on you or has cheated, then that’s a solid sign they simply don’t respect you or care about you and the relationship.

Controlling behavior.

If your partner exhibits controlling behavior — dictating your actions, isolating you from friends and family, monitoring your activities — this is a lack of basic human respect.

You are your own person. You are allowed to be independent and no one — especially not a romantic partner — should dictate the things you do.

Insult or belittle or embarrass you.

If they insult you, call you names, belittle you, your thoughts, and feelings, or embarass you in public or private — this is a lack of basic human respect.

This is all incredibly damaging to your self-esteem. Even if the things they’re saying are untrue, a part of you will start to believe them.

If you have experienced any of these things in your relationship, address them and consider seeking support from trusted friends, family, or professionals.