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4 Concrete Signs That You Will Never Get Your Needs Met In A Relationship

Relationships can be hard. They require a lot of effort, patience, understanding, and mutual respect. You should never have to settle for a relationship that’s not up to your standards. You should never have to settle for a partner who doesn’t fulfill your needs or isn’t even willing to try to fulfill your needs, despite your efforts to address them and ask for more.

Here are four concrete signs that you’ll never get your needs met in a relationship:

They are unwilling to compromise.

If they have a “my way or the highway” attitude and aren’t considering your perspective on things, then you need to take a step back to look at this relationship for what it is: bad. (Probably.) Your partner should respect you enough to consider your opinions, thoughts, feelings, and perspectives. If they are insisting on having their way with something without considering you and your feelings, it’s a sign that your needs are not a priority to them. In their mind, it’s all about them and what they want.

They disregard your feelings.

Mutual respect is crucial for any relationship. If your partner consistently disrespects you, belittles your feelings, or dismisses your desires, that is a lack of respect and consideration for you and your needs. If you express your feelings about something to your partner and no changes are made, then you could assume that your needs are unlikely to be met. They don’t care enough to try.

There’s a lack of emotional support.

Every healthy relationship should have some emotional support. If your partner consistently fails to provide that emotional support and empathy when you need it, it’s a sign that not only do they not understand you, but they don’t respect you enough to show the compassion you deserve.

For example, if you’re someone who struggles with anxiety and depression but your partner doesn’t, they should not only take the time to try and understand you and what you’re feeling, but also they should offer support. A shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, a hug, a safe space. They should not be so quick to judge and be dismissive of you and your feelings.

They disappoint you…frequently.

It’s incredibly draining to be with someone who constantly lets you down and makes empty promises. It’s disappointing to have a partner who struggles to commit to things or complains when you ask to do things together. It’s devastating to be a romantic who wants to be sent surprise flowers and chocolate on Valentine’s Day but your partner doesn’t even bother — even after you’ve expressed how much you like that. These consistent letdowns and broken — or empty — promises are a sign that your needs aren’t being met.

There’s a difference between asking for too much and asking for the bare minimum. Remember: people are only as needy as their unmet needs.