Words You Were Meant To Read Today (Nov 13), As Determined By Your Zodiac
You are the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.
Jacqueline Whitney, All That You Deserve
You didn’t ask to go through what you do and you are so brave for enduring it. You are brave for walking your body out of bed and for trying to do your best every single day. You are doing your best. Others don’t need to understand what your best is.
Jacqueline Whitney, All That You Deserve
Thank you for being the person who makes people feel okay when they’re not okay. the world truly is better because you are in it. you are completely enough. your love is so appreciated and love is never wasted.
Jacqueline Whitney, Beyond Worthy
Maybe you feel deep within you that you aren’t where you are supposed to be right now, but maybe you actually are. Maybe you are being held in this place so that you can grow and heal before you go somewhere else. Maybe you are being protected. Maybe you are being given a rare opportunity to focus on yourself and no one else for a while. It might feel uncomfortable and lonely, but maybe these feelings aren’t negative. Maybe it is in these moments you discover yourself in a way that helps you change for the better. Maybe you will carry the lessons you learn now with you forever. You see, it is in the seasons that make the least sense we grow the most. It is in the seasons that are the most uncomfortable that we become more comfortable with ourselves. I hope you lean into these moments with surrender. Surrender to the journey your soul is on. You are always being guided to where you belong. Even if you don’t feel like you belong where you are right now, you won’t stay in this place forever. Before you know it, the dreams you are dreaming of now will be your reality when they are supposed to be. Trust.
Jacqueline Whitney, Stay Until Tommorow
You are doing the best that you can, even if it doesn’t feel like you are. You are here. You are standing, even through the hurt. Even after you fall over and over again, you’re the one who always gets up.
Jacqueline Whitney, All That You Deserve
It may seem like you’re the only one feeling these feelings; it may get so lonely to the point you think you’re going crazy because you don’t have anyone to relate to, but I promise you, you are not the only one going through it. All of your feelings are valid.
Jacqueline Whitney, Stay Until Tommorow
Life is not supposed to be a repetitive struggle. Life is supposed to be an enjoyable and beautiful experience that fills your soul with more sunshine than rain. You deserve to fight for yourself and you deserve people who will fight for you. You are worth someone’s complete attention and care, but this is your reminder that you are also worth your own. Give yourself all the time and attention you need to heal. You are doing better than you think you are.
Jacqueline Whitney, All That You Deserve
You have it in you to become a version of yourself that you genuinely love. You have it in you to become someone you’re so proud of.
Jacqueline Whitney, All That You Deserve
You are so much stronger than you feel right now the worries will soften away and all will be okay.
Jacqueline Whitney, All That You Deserve
It’s important to remember that what happened doesn’t define who you are today. The divine strength that carried you through so that you are still here today is proof that trauma can change you, but it’s not who you are. Your story isn’t who you are. You are who you become from the chapters that leave you feeling broken. You can choose who you want to become. Do you want to live the rest of your life holding on to the past? Or do you want to let go of it so that you can transform your life? You are made new every day. You are given another chance every day. You deserve all of the chances you need in order to be okay.
Jacqueline Whitney, Stay Until Tommorow
It is not your responsibility to save anyone from their downward spiral. One of the bravest things you can do to change your life is step away from people you love but know are bringing you down more than up. Maybe it’s temporary, or maybe it’s forever; either way, it is necessary for your mental health. You don’t have to feel guilty. You aren’t a bad human being because of the walls you have to build to protect your soul. The truth is, it is never a selfish move to do what’s best for you.
Jacqueline Whitney, Stay Until Tommorow
If today was difficult for you, I hope you know that tomorrow can be better. I hope you know that the moments that are uncomfortable or hurt or don’t make sense will pass. I hope you remind yourself of all the times you didn’t think you were going to feel better but you did. As you go through your days remember that every moment is just a moment. When you can’t take it one day at a time, try to just take it one breath at a time. Take really good care of yourself and know that it’s okay if you don’t accomplish everything you told yourself you needed to today. You don’t have to start a new routine or healthy habit today if it feels like too much. You don’t have to be as productive as the people that you see online. Your life is your life and you only have this life. Tomorrow it will feel a little bit better. You are safe. You are being guided. You will have everything that you need.
Jacqueline Whitney, Stay Until Tommorow