
4 Zodiacs Who Can Make Anything Happen This Weekend (November 24 – 26)

If you’ve been looking for a message from the universe telling you that it’s time for a change, here it is. It can sometimes feel like you’re just floating along while life guides you in whatever direction it wants. Do you really have power, or is everything just a series of coincidences? Truth is, you can change your life at any point, for better or worse. This weekend, these four zodiacs can make anything happen. Will you manifest good things or let life make the decisions for you?


You’ve seen the power your manifestation can have. When you want something and take the steps to make it happen, you’re practically limitless. The problem is that you don’t always feel like putting in the work to get there. This weekend, flex your powers for getting things done. It could be something fun like going on a hike you’ve been eyeing or something bigger like planning out how to quit your job on Monday. The world is your oyster, so you might as well start living it that way. And this weekend is your time to do it.


You’re super hesitant when it comes to change. Even if things aren’t going well in your life–maybe you hate your job or you’re in a bad relationship–you’re afraid of what could happen if you try to change it. You’re doing yourself a disservice, Leo. Don’t stay in a bad situation. This weekend, take real steps toward making your life better. You can seriously make anything happen right now. You might as well flex those manifestation muscles.


You’re good at making things happen already. After all, you’re the adventurous Sagittarius–the one that makes all the rest of us wish we could do the things you do. Still, there’s likely something that you haven’t made happen that you just keep thinking about. Maybe it’s a crush you want to ask out or a new career you want to work toward. Don’t let life pass you by. This weekend, take the steps to get there. You’ve got this, Sagittarius!


When it comes to concrete things like work or chores, you’re a master at getting things done. But what about the softer things? Your wants and desires that are more about love and feelings than concrete things that you can measure. This weekend, get in touch with what you want on a soul level. Those things matter just as much as the concrete, if not more. And this weekend is the time for you to make them happen.