Thought Catalog Agency

3 Zodiacs Who Need A Message From The Universe On December 17

One of the most annoying things about life is that, for the most part, we’re all blind. We just choose a path and hope that it’s the right one for us. But what if you could get a little message from the universe that would help you figure out exactly what to do? And what if you knew right where to look? On December 17, these three zodiac signs will have the way opened for them if they’re willing to see it. If you’re one of these signs, open your mind and heart to these new possibilities.


You’ve been feeling aimless lately. It’s not that you don’t like your life. There’s plenty going well for you. Still, the vibes are just off. On December 17, look for a message from the universe in the off-hand comments of your friends. Maybe someone will mention an art class they’re thinking of taking or a wild outfit they saw someone wearing at work. Take that as your cue to do the off-the-wall thing you normally would have ignored. If anyone can handle the chaos of jumping into something so randomly, it’s you. It could be the kick you need to enjoy your life again.


The area of your life that could use a little work is your friendships. While you have plenty of friends, that doesn’t mean there isn’t any drama within your inner circle. While you may love everyone in your life, that doesn’t mean they’re all providing a healthy space for you. On December 17, look for signs of toxicity among your group. It may be a bit of drama that just needs to be talked out, or it could be a friend that you’ve outgrown and need to say goodbye to. Either way, it’s time to address the low-simmering negative energy.


You have an incredibly strong subconscious. There are often things you’re hiding from yourself and you have no idea until they make themselves known in a large and potentially life-altering way. On December 17, look for the signs that you’re about to do something rash, silly, or downright stupid. Maybe you’ve been feeling boxed in when it comes to your relationship, and you’re this close to throwing it all away. Or maybe you’re planning a trip not realizing that it’s just a way to run from your problems. What aren’t you letting yourself realize? It’s time to open your eyes.