Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Destined For An Epic Holiday This Week (December 19 – 24)

We’re in the final stretch before Christmas, and so many of us are buckling under the pressure. You need to buy more gifts, to plan for family outings, to cook an inordinate amount of food. It’s stressful and only sometimes worth all the fuss. But not everyone is struggling with all these chores. For these four zodiac signs, they’re in for an epic holiday this week. If you’re on this list, get ready for some fun, surprises, and memories that’ll last a lifetime.


You’re always down to do something bold. This week, when someone suggests a wild plan, you’re already on board before they’ve even finished the question. Whether it’s an impromptu awkward family photoshoot or surprising your family at Christmas, you’re culprit number one when it comes to epic holiday ideas. Sure, you have to deal with the annoyances of the holiday this week, just like everyone else, but those are easy to deal with when you have so much fun to be excited for.


You refuse to be one of those stressed-out, unhappy people for the holiday. You’re going to have fun whether they like it or not. Does that mean you’re bringing the chaos? Sure, but what else would they expect? Just sitting around chatting around politics or religion sounds boring as hell. You’re ready to spice it up with party games you saw on TikTok or a surprise night out at the few bars that are open late during the holidays. If no one else wants to have fun, that’s their problem.


This is when you thrive. Nothing beats getting all your favorite people in one place. It makes all the prep stress totally worth it. In fact, you might even have added a friends-only holiday party into your week, in addition to the traditional family plans you have every year. You’re the one happily setting up the Secret Santa or white elephant gift exchange and coordinating who brings what dish for the potluck dinner. Because celebrating all your many friendships is exactly your jam.


Leave it to the Sagittarius to make the holidays epic. Doing the same old-same old for Christmas might feel like a bit of a bummer, which is why that’s not your sole focus for this time period. You’re either planning a crazy adventure for the week leading up to the holiday or a major vacation as soon as Boxing Day starts. Much to the surprise of no one, of course.