4 Zodiacs Who Would Be Happier Single Than With Non-Affectionate Partners
Twenty20 / jacobhuizar

4 Zodiacs Who Would Be Happier Single Than With Non-Affectionate Partners

Some zodiacs aren’t big on showing affection, especially in public. But other signs value affection highly. They need it in order to feel loved and appreciated in the relationship. Without it, they are never going to be satisfied with their partner. Here are the zodiacs who would be happier single than with non-affectionate partners:


You would be happier single than with a partner who rarely shows affection because you are a touchy-feely person. You want to talk about how you’re feeling on a daily basis. You want to cuddle whenever you have a spare moment. You want to feel close physically and emotionally. You need a partner who feels the same way so you aren’t stuck feeling unfulfilled, so you aren’t left wondering whether their feelings for you have weakened over time. You crave affection, and if your partner fails to give it to you, you are never going to feel satisfied in the relationship. You need love and snuggles. It’s non-negotiable for you.


Your insecurities will get the best of you if your partner isn’t giving you enough affection. You will start to wonder whether they are pulling away because they aren’t interested in being with you anymore. You need a partner who shows you constant, unending affection because to you, it’s an expression of love. You need it in order to feel like your partner still cares, like they are happy to have you in their world. If a partner isn’t affectionate enough, you will question their feelings for you. You will wonder whether you’re the one who cares more, whether the relationship is about to fall apart. Affection makes you feel safe. It helps you trust your person more.


You would rather be single than with a partner who isn’t willing to show you much affection because you want to feel loved. You want constant reminders that this person cares about you and appreciates the part you play in their life. If they go too long without saying a kind word or giving you a kiss on the lips, you’re going to feel unappreciated. You’re going to feel like an afterthought. And you’re going to start to wonder why you’re in a relationship with them at all. You need a partner who is consistently showing you affection because it means they’re viewing you as priority. It means they aren’t taking you for granted.


You have been in relationships that have lacked affection before, and you aren’t interested in settling for them again. You aren’t interested in feeling like an inconvenience or a backup plan that they have completely forgotten exists. You want a partner who is excited to get closer to you, physically and emotionally. A partner who is happy to spend time with you, and happy to kiss and hug you, no matter who else is watching. You want affection in private and in public. You don’t want to be their little secret. You want them to scream their love for you from the rooftops.