juan mendez

4 Zodiacs With The Highest Vibrations

We all have vibrational energy—it’s connected to our thoughts, our energy, and the way we interact with the world around us. This energy can also affect how our bodies work and our overall health.

While there are a lot of different factors that can affect a person’s vibrational energy, some people are more likely to exist in certain frequencies, thanks to their base personalities. Higher vibrations are generally linked to less stress, better focus, and an altogether elevated mood, as opposed to low vibrations, which are oftentimes linked to exhaustion, overwhelm, and pessimism.

While most people strive to raise their vibrations, it comes more naturally to some zodiacs than to others. Here are the four zodiacs with the highest vibrations.


Leos are ruled by the sun, so it’s no surprise that they exist on such a high frequency—they are energetic, vibrant, and optimistic at heart. Leo is also connected to children, which is why those born under this sign approach the world with curiosity, enthusiasm, and light-heartedness. In fact, they’re so high vibrational that they often raise the vibrations of those around them, too—their light is infectious, and they love to share it with those they care about most.


Gemini is known for their quick-wittedness, sociability, and their deep curiosity of the world—and they can thank their ruler Mercury for much of that. Mercury also governs the tricksters, so no one’s surprised when Gemini goes through one of their mischievous streaks. Geminis are fun-loving and some of the best conversationalists you’ll ever meet, and many find that just being around these high vibrational creatures makes them feel lighter as well.


Sagittarius is one of the most carefree and optimistic signs of all—which is in part due to being ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good luck. This is also why they’re so open minded and adventurous, always ready to expand their horizons and learn as much as they can about the world around them. Sagittarians prefer to look on the bright side of things and love to share their outlook with anyone who will listen to them. They’re quick to let the bad roll off their backs and are one of the most resilient signs of the zodiac—all thanks to their incredibly high vibrations.


While some Pisceans do have a tendency to get pulled down by the currents of life—it can happen when you’re ruled by the twelfth house of undoing—they’re also one of the most spiritual and open minded zodiac signs of all. Being the final sign of the zodiac wheel, they’ve already learned the lessons the other zodiacs are still integrating into their lives, and because of this, they have an incredible grasp on human nature and the universe at large, giving them the flexible attitude that allows them to surrender to the flow of the universe. Their “what will be, will be” attitude is baffling to some, but it allows them to let go of the stress of what they know they cannot control.