Tarotscope For Today: Friday, May 17, 2024
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Your Card: Death Reversed
Are you resisting necessary change? Be honest with yourself. A natural ending in your life has occurred, but you’re dragging dead-ended energy around. This false comfort blanket isn’t keeping you as warm as you think. There are holes, rips, and tears. Death reversed tells us that this Friday is all about Aries coming to terms with letting go. By embracing the metaphorical, natural process of death and rebirth in life, you allow yourself to get out of your own way.
Your Card: Eight of Wands
Swift movement carries you throughout your Friday, Taurus. There’s a warm jive in the air, making you eager, enthusiastic, and excited. When the Eight of Wands visits, good news is around the corner. If you’ve been anticipating results, answers, or insight from an external source, your patience pays off. Today is all about optimistic perspectives leading you to fortunate outcomes and opportunities.
Your Card: Seven of Cups
Clear your mind. Reset your mental space before making any decisions. You’re clouded by confusion, leading to indecisiveness and scatteredness. If you’re confused by someone’s words not matching their actions, take a step back. Observe patterns. While people can say what they don’t mean, and perform actions, their repetitive cycles rarely lie. Rather than dismissing your intuition, lean in. Listen to your inner voice. You’ve likely been hesitating to set the exact boundaries that will set you free.
Your Card: Four of Swords Reversed
Contemplating and dwelling only helps for so long. At some point, you need to take action and make peace with the information you have at hand. While you may be anxious to make a move, this Friday is all about breaking your hiatus. It’s time to get a move on. Continuing to bask in nervous overthinking and passive observation will only make circumstances worse. You’ve already turned this situation inside and out. Go ahead and break out of your shell. There’s an opportunity waiting for you.
Your Card: The Lovers Reversed
Keep a watchful eye out for temptation today. At first glance, a situation may look more captivating, promising, and just than it truly is. When debating your desires, it’s important to refer to your values, morals, and needs. While going for the temporary fix may feel compelling, the real solution you crave is in waiting things out. Pause before reacting. Check in with yourself. Do the options at hand make you feel good about yourself? If not, can you wait it out for what truly resonates?
Your Card: Page of Pentacles Reversed
You may be frustrated, craving more movement in your practical endeavors. Although you crave a new beginning, stay patient. Whether you want a new job, boss, coworker, tasks, or income, the quick fix you’re craving may not happen today. If rejection occurs, consider it divine redirection. The Pentacles in the Tarot speak to long-term goals. Great things rarely happen overnight. Have patience. Don’t settle for anything less than what brings you security and stability.
Your Card: Five of Swords Reversed
A past conflict has a chance of resolution today. The Five of Swords reversed speaks to someone recognizing their faults. Forgiveness is key. While you may feel hesitant to rush to trust others, try to extend compassion. There’s been a slight offense made that wasn’t intended. You may not fully understand someone’s motives, but at the very least, you can accept an apology that comes your way to keep the peace enough.
Your Card: Two of Pentacles
Going with the flow will give you the results you crave. Flexibility is an underrated talent. There’s a juggling act going on with your responsibilities today. It’s important to remember that maintaining each area of your life by doing your best is better than doing nothing out of impossible perfectionist standards. Allow yourself to be human. Balance what’s in your control. Let go of unrealistic expectations.
Your Card: Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands in the Tarot represents a Fire sign. Therefore, this Friday invites you to be unapologetically yourself. Authenticity is the key to your success. Spending time doing activities that reaffirm your individuality and autonomy will refresh and revitalize your spirit. A confident leader is needed today. Step up to the plate and show them what you’ve got. Your pioneering perspective and go-getter attitude auspiciously clear the path of blocks.
Your Card: Six of Cups
Sweet, gentle connections are made today. The wholesome factor will be turned up, allowing you to feel safe to let your inner child out. Crushes feel lighthearted. Romance is exciting. Friendships feel supportive. Family is kind. Your close relationships and loved ones are extending extra tender loving care your way. Eagerly accepted. Share your gratitude as well. A perfect day for socializing, making the most of Friday’s freeing energy, and planning for community-oriented gatherings.
Your Card: Seven of Wands
There’s defensiveness in the air. While you may feel slighted, try to lean into observation mode. Reacting too quickly may cause unnecessary tension. You have every right to fight for your needs and set boundaries. Just find the fine line between advocating for yourself and being paranoid or pushy. Life can be tough. With a lot on your plate, little frustrations can feel all the more intense. Don’t blow a short fuse. Find a healthy outlet for annoyances.
Your Card: The Magician Reversed
It’s time to harness the power of intention. You likely feel scattered in your mind with lots of questions. However, you have the power to turn it all around with redirected focus. Rather than getting lost in all of the ways you feel disempowered, mull over all of the ways you can effectively change your life. If you believe you can, you will. Set clear goals with conviction. Thereafter, the Universe can step in and deliver blessings.