Andrea La bruja del Caldero

Tarotscope For Today: Thursday, June 6, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: The Emperor Reversed

You’re likely feeling out of your element today, Aries. It’s okay. Everyone has off days. The Emperor is akin to your fiery Aries personality, capable of taking control. However, this Tuesday throws some confidence or control issues your way. Self-discipline is the antidote. While you may want to push back or fight to be in charge, you must accept that you cannot direct everything.


Your Card: Nine of Cups

The wish fulfillment card visits you today. What an auspicious omen! Lean into your optimistic outlook, as it’ll only attract even more. There’s abundance finding you today. Emotional expansion, relationship growth, inner peace, and material gains are yours. If you’ve been waiting for strong results or good news, this Thursday is sure to be its arrival.


Your Card: Five of Pentacles Reversed

Recently, a fear of loss, abandonment, or lack has been controlling your narrative. However, you’re done feeling worried today. A sense of trust washes over you. The ability to surrender, letting the pieces fall where they may, brings you a strong sense of self-worth. While you may not be able to force matters to go your way, it’s all about remaining grounded. You will persevere. 


Your Card: Eight of Cups

It’s not easy to let go. Time, energy, and emotions have been poured into a circumstance that isn’t bringing you the results you desire. It’s time to pack your bags. Know that your needs are valid. While it may feel disappointing, it’s far better to choose the discomfort of growth over the pain of stagnancy. When a pattern repeats itself, don’t wait and waste more of your precious time and energy.


Your Card: Seven of Cups

There’s confusion in the air. It may feel impossible to make a decision that you’re sure of. The temptation to try a little bit of this, a little bit of that, is a mindset that’ll keep you stuck today. It’s about quality over quantity. Your experience requires you to get grounded. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. There’s hope to be found in listening to what your heart truly wants. Let the rest fall out of your range of focus for now.


Your Card: Two of Swords Reversed

Finally, a resolution to your problems is found. You’ve been going back and forth for quite some time. However, you’re able to look at situations head-on today. No longer fighting your discernment to keep the peace, you’re able to dedicate yourself to the right path. While it can feel daunting to walk away from one of your options, know you can revisit it if it truly matters down the line. 


Your Card: Queen of Cups 

Your emotional intelligence sets you free today. Your relationships feel sound, feelings are whole, and intuition is right on. People want to rely on you. Your trustworthy, mature, and almost parental-like aura sets you apart from the rest. Feeling on top of the world, self-awareness and validation soothe your spirit. There’s little you need to do. The more you lean back, the more you’ll attract on this Thursday.


Your Card: Queen of Swords Reversed

It’s okay to feel strong in your opinions. Just be careful that you’re not saying the wrong thing at the wrong time or to the wrong person. There’s a need to articulate intentionally today. A harsh tone or choice of words can derail your social connections. While your confidence is admirable, be sure to keep tact and compassion close.


Your Card: Justice

Karma is restored to equilibrium today. If you’ve been dealing with legal issues, Justice shows it’ll be sorted out. However, for other Sagittarians, you may simply find that moral dilemmas are resolved. There’s no need to force what is fair. The Universe is stepping in as the judge. If you’ve remained true to your values, this Thursday will be a breeze. If not, life will point out where you need to course correct.


Your Card: Five of Wands

Be sure to know what you’re fighting for and why. Power struggles arise today. Pushing back with your ego is sure to only make the fire burn stronger. Allow yourself to agree to disagree. There’s no hope in pushing an agenda from a defensive place. If you want to resolve arguments, try to compromise. Work together in your approach. However, if it doesn’t matter enough to you, walk away. Choose your battles wisely.


Your Card: Six of Cups Reversed

Don’t allow false hope to conspire against your true wishes. If you’re looking for vulnerability and connection, don’t settle for less. Today, you want to give the benefit of the doubt freely. While compassion is important, so are boundaries. Just because you have love or a history with someone doesn’t mean you should tolerate disrespect today. Intentionally or not, someone has gotten hurt. Their feelings deserve to be seen and validated. 


Your Card: Two of Wands Reversed

You’re feeling hesitant in planning for the future. Your mind is stuck in the past and projecting it into your future. Believe it or not, things can go differently this time. If you’re lost worrying about what could happen, you’re losing precious time to experience what could be. Let what happened pass you by. Open your arms to the opportunities waiting for you on the horizon. It’s time to embrace your evolving desires, goals, and aims today.