Angel Ayala

4 Zodiacs Who Will Only Ask You To Do Something Once


You get one chance to get it right with Virgo. One strike, and then you’re out. So you better learn the difference between a shallot and a red onion, and which load of laundry needs to be washed on the delicate cycle because Virgo’s and inherently distrustful of others. If they even take the risk of asking you for a favor, it means they’ve already placed a bet on you. Anything but living up to their expectations isn’t merely a minor mishap, it’s making a fool out of them by proving their judgement wrong. Because the only thing worse than not being able to trust the people around you is not being able to trust yourself. So for the love of god, cross that chore off of Virgo’s list so you don’t break their little heart.


Sagittarius just doesn’t have any patience. So if you can’t lend them a hand, they’re just going to figure out a way to get it done themselves. Their independent spirit is always driving them toward productivity, even if it’s just booking the family vacation. They can’t wait for everyone to reach a consensus, or depend on someone to coordinate if it’s going to take more than a week. They won’t call you out or complain, but if you’re not proactively following up with them, they’ll just take it as a given that you’re not cut out to keep up with them, and even though it can get a little lonely sometimes, they’re fine running through live at their own pace. When they do find a gem who has what it takes, they hold on to them tightly.   


There’s a poorly timed dominatrix joke in here somewhere, but when Scorpio asks you to do something, they’re not really asking, they’re telling you. You don’t want to find out what happens when “Can you take out the trash?” goes ignored or unanswered. They love to play games with their words, so you need to catch up fast or get out of their way. Displeasing a Scorpio is not for the faint of heart. They will write you off faster than you can try to mumble a pathetic apology. But do what they say and their words will be sweet as honey. Scorpio loves nothing more than a good listener who can follow directions, and they know how to make the reward worth their while. 


Cancer can’t inconvenience anyone, so they only ask for a favor once. If the person isn’t responsive or enthusiastic, they’ll assume they don’t have the time, or simply don’t want to help, and so Cancer build a shell out of all these conclusions they leap to. They simply don’t give anyone the room to disappoint them or let them down. Instead they focus on how capable they are, convincing themselves of how easy the task was, how little need there was to ask for help in the first place. Even when someone has a good excuse, Cancer tells them not to worry about it. They’d rather hide behind smiles and pleasantries to cloak how cold they’ve become as a result of their guarded ways.