Alasdair Braxton

Horoscope For Today: Wednesday, July 17, 2024

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Today kicks off with the moon in the first degree of free-wheeling Sagittarius, providing opportunities for adventure and spontaneity that are much-needed after the dark ambience brought forth by yesterday’s watery Scorpio moon—and crisis-inducing Mars-Uranus conjunction. As we sift through the rubble and try to embrace the aftershocks, our sights are set on the future, feeling more empowered and emboldened by the fiery centaur leading the way.

Today, you’ll be relieved to learn, is much quieter in the heavens. The moon is the star today, making several significant aspects to other planets throughout the course of the day.

First is a sextile at 1° between the moon in Sagittarius and Pluto in Aquarius, occurring at approximately midnight EST. This degree is typically associated with Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, and is thus guaranteed to infuse a more urgent and action-oriented energy to this transit.

Spirited Sagittarius in a positive aspect to rebellious Aquarius informs our behavior today: a little impulsive, more than a little reckless, but well-intentioned and certainly optimistic. Even though most of North America will still be sleeping soundly at the moment this sextile occurs, it’s sure to set the tone for the next twenty-four hours—and possibly much longer.

Next, the moon trines Venus in Leo at 7° at 11:05 AM. This degree is Libran in essence, meaning this is a highly positive transit under which to make aesthetic or creative changes. There will be a great emphasis on luxury this morning, and especially if you have any prominent Venusian influence in your birth chart, you might be tempted to go a little crazy while online shopping.

It’s definitely “treat yourself” energy, on the largest scale possible, meaning that those in positions of serious wealth and influence will let their voices be heard—and their Instagram photo dumps will get the world talking about everything from lavish Italian wine tours to millennial socks to trendy summer hairstyles.

At 4:44 PM, the moon will make a trine to the North Node in Aries at 10°. This moment in time holds a lot of power, and the fact that this degree is commonly associated with Capricorn only makes it all the more important. Driven by our shared, cross-cultural conviction that true freedom is not possible without peace, we will begin building momentum as a society striving to cut through the current divisiveness and find common ground. The North Node speaks to the current state of affairs, violence and war included, but today it will become clear that most of us are simply tired of fighting.

Finally, at 7:19 PM, the moon will oppose Jupiter at 11° of Gemini. This degree holds the influence of Aquarius and therefore enhances the quick-thinking, occasionally manic air sign energy, and suggests that social media will be uncharacteristically active at this time.

If your job involves communication or digital media in any way, you can expect a flood of vacation photos, cross-cultural bridge-building, and discussion about world events on every platform. Emotions will be running high and there will be a collective urge towards irrational idealism, but this surge of shared hope will provide comfort in a time of undeniable social and political unrest.

How can you expect this exciting day to unravel for you on a personal level? Read the following forecast according to your rising sign.


Today the moon transits through your ninth house, placing emphasis on philosophical and spiritual ideals. When it makes a trine to Venus in your fifth house in the late morning, you can expect to get hit with sudden midweek restlessness, preferring to slack off and have some self-indulgent fun. If you’re stuck in the office, you might find your surroundings restrictive, while managing to attract more attention than usual. However, if you arrange a spontaneous cocktail night with your work friends, you might find it impossible to keep work talk at work, with the moon making a trine to the North Node in your first house. You’ll be the star of the show, but at what cost? Don’t allow your colleagues to place extra responsibility on you unless it’s something you’re prepared to shoulder. Tonight, the moon’s opposition to Jupiter in your third house gives you a boost of confidence to communicate your ideas effectively. If you’ve been ignoring your Teams channel or procrastinating clearing out your email inbox, you might feel unexpectedly motivated to work overtime tonight.


The moon in your eighth house brings out your dark and edgy side today, encouraging you to feel all the feelings. This morning you’re likely to feel out of sorts, at least until the moon makes a trine Venus in your fourth house, at which point you will undoubtedly feel a sudden, impulsive desire to beautify your home. Avoid checking the Anthropologie website at work if you can help it; unless you’ve budgeted for the sleek velvet couch of your Pinterest-board dreams, you’ll face some buyer’s remorse later. This evening, the vibe turns more serious as the moon trines the North Node in your twelfth house, dredging up secrets you’ve been trying to repress regarding mental health, addiction, and your subconscious. It’s a good time to journal your thoughts and find some creative way to channel your ennui, rather than moodily listening to the same sad girl playlist again and again. This might represent a significant turning point in your mental wellness journey, as you commit to taking better care of yourself. Tonight, the moon opposes Jupiter in your second house, bringing the aforementioned regret as you review the state of your finances. How can you better plan for the future without sacrificing your innate love of the luxury lifestyle? This question will be on your mind all night. Please shop responsibly.


Today the moon makes its way through your seventh house, putting your relationships under a microscope—for better or for worse. If you’re partnered, you’ll enjoy the extra attention your lover offers you today, and you both might feel empowered to plan your first weekend getaway—or spontaneously book a second honeymoon to Tuscany. This morning, when the moon trines Venus in your third house, you’ll probably receive some kind of earnest communication from your person. Even if they’re not typically the kind to send sappy texts, they might feel bold today. On the other hand, if you and your partner both have stubbornly independent streaks, you could find yourself in a petty fight. Try to avoid being too prideful; if you’re the one who’s wrong, just admit it and move on. Late this afternoon, when the moon trines the North Node in your eleventh house, you’ll be in a good state of mind to network or lead a project at work. Others will look to you as a quick-thinking leader, but also respect your ability to delegate. Tonight, the moon opposes Jupiter in your first house, meaning that you have the ideal conditions for an exciting impromptu date night. Go out and be seen. You and your partner are giving off it-couple energy tonight.


The moon is making its way through your sixth house today, giving you the energy and motivation you need to get all your mundane tasks done. Make your bed, tidy up your room, and get to the office bright and early, as you’ll be prepared to take on the day. Your hard work won’t go unnoticed, either; when the moon trines Venus in your second house, you’ll likely be blindsided by some tangible reward, whether it comes in the form of a surprise gift from your coworkers or a long-awaited promotion. Then, when the moon trines the North Node in your tenth house, you’ll have to confront the responsibility that comes with this new status in your social group. Are you ready to take on the new role expected of you, even if it comes with more stressors in your daily life? You might have a flicker of doubt or go straight into panic mode, depending on how anxiety-prone you are, and when the moon opposes Jupiter in your twelfth house later tonight, you’ll probably start the process of ruminating on the potential ways in which your new life could go horribly wrong. Take some deep breaths (or a CBD gummy) and go to bed early before you drive yourself crazy. You’re ready for this.


The moon in your fifth house for the whole day will put a greater focus on your romantic and creative life, and those of you who have children will be especially connected to them. If you’re trying to conceive, it’s possible you will under this pleasant transit, particularly when the moon makes a fertile trine to Venus in your first house. You’ll radiate warmth, charisma, and sensuality this morning, and when the moon trines the North Node in your ninth house later in the day, you’ll attract good conversationalists into your space, encouraging healthy dialogue about how to create change. Your unique blend of diplomacy and confidence will serve you well, even as you communicate ideas to people with radically different worldviews or cultural backgrounds. Congratulate yourself for a job well done; the night begins with the moon making an opposition to Jupiter in your eleventh house, bringing new people into your environment who could become close friends. It’s good to have many supportive influences in your corner.


Today, as the moon drifts through your fourth house, you’ll be feeling like a homebody, preferring the comforts of WFH in your pajamas to the rigidity of office politics. You won’t be in the mood to play that game today. When the moon makes a trine to Venus in your twelfth house this morning, you are likely to feel an intense array of emotions, and if you haven’t been prepared for this sentimental overflow, you’ll be caught off guard. Avoid self-medicating with Xanax or midday depression naps to escape your feelings—though if you do sleep, your dreams will provide valuable insight into your psychological state. You’re not used to asking for help, but it’s okay to reach out to a trusted friend or therapist. This afternoon the tone gets increasingly somber around you as the moon makes a trine to the North Node in your eighth house, triggering feelings of unhealed grief that may feel particularly heavy. This evening, the mood brightens as the moon forms an opposition to Jupiter in your tenth house, bringing you positive news relating to your career. If you do choose to be vulnerable today, sharing your feelings in a radically honest Instagram caption or posting some of your best sad poetry, you’ll likely receive accolades or attention. You spend a lot of time curating the perfect image, but it’s your raw authenticity that hits the mark today.


As the moon passes you through your third house, your communication skills are on point, highlighting your already-enviable diplomacy that makes pretty much everyone fall in love with you. If you need to take the lead on a project at work today, you can be trusted to do it and make it look easy. You’ll have the attention of everyone in the room when the moon forms a trine with Venus in your eleventh house, giving you a boost of charisma and popularity. Late this afternoon, your attention turns from the group to the individual, as the moon forms a trine to the North Node in your seventh house. If you’re partnered, you’re likely to discuss more serious relationship stuff tonight: goals for the future, moving in together, whether you want two kids or three. If you’re single, on the other hand, don’t go straight home after work. There is a significantly high probability that you’ll have a meet-cute on the subway or at your favorite coffee shop. You never know who you’re going to meet. Later on tonight, the moon opposes Jupiter in your ninth house, delivering strong and potentially unexpected emotions related to justice and your religious or spiritual beliefs. If you feel especially connected to the divine tonight, allow yourself to indulge those feelings and surrender to the experience.


The moon transiting through your second house today puts money on your mind, so be cautious if you feel the desire to overspend just because you can. However, you might not need to be quite as frugal moving forward; for some of you, your socioeconomic status is about to change in a major way as you level up in your career. This morning the moon makes a trine to Venus in your tenth house, sending auspicious possibilities to become the star you were always meant to be. This is a great day for those of you who are influencers; if you want to start racking up the follows and the likes, you’d do well to post something this morning. When, later on, the moon trines the North Node in your sixth house, you’ll feel the responsibility that comes with virality—and recognize that you probably need to change your daily habits and routines in order to reach your full potential. Schedule a meeting with a fitness coach or nutritionist to help you get your health back on track. This evening, the moon opposes Jupiter in your eighth house, so you can go to bed peacefully knowing you’ll soon be making money in your sleep.


Today the moon transits through your first house, drawing attention to your physical presence. Wear your favorite outfit and don’t be surprised if you catch more attention than usual as you go about your daily activities. You’re in the spotlight today. However, when the moon makes a trine to Venus in your ninth house this morning, you’ll have the opportunity to make a more significant impact, whether at work or school or wherever your travels take you: you’ll get the chance to stand up for what you believe in, communicate with people across cultural boundaries, and learn something new. It’s a great time to attend a lecture or start reading a new book. Your horizons will be broadened today. Furthermore, this afternoon the moon will make a trine to the North Node in your fifth house, presenting you with various opportunities to capitalize on your creative pursuits and make a difference in a serious way. Those of you who are considering taking a casual fling to the next level (or, if you’re already settled down, starting a family) will find this energy especially tantalizing. It’s the ideal opportunity to talk about your future with your partner, and a possible chance to conceive, if you’re trying to have a baby. Later tonight, when the moon makes an opposition to Jupiter, you’ll get a chance to celebrate a loved one’s success—whether it’s your spouse, best friend, or business partner, you’ll undoubtedly experience their joy as your own.


The moon moves through your twelfth house today, so you’ll probably feel more reflective, even melancholy, than usual. Some of you will awaken troubled by a bizarre dream; write it down so you can parse it for meaning later. The temptation to self-medicate might be stronger than usual, so avoid the temptation to start day drinking, especially when the moon makes a trine to Venus in your eighth house just before noon; there are healthier ways to get past the midday slump. You could be caught off guard by a sudden financial reward from your spouse, family, or a side source of income you’d forgotten about. And speaking of family, when the moon trines the North Node in your fourth house, you’ll have some domestic concerns to deal with, whether they relate to an elderly relative back in your hometown or a possible relocation that will take you further away from your loved ones. Have you been stressing about your health or job situation lately? You might get some long-awaited news tonight, when the moon opposes Jupiter in your sixth house, presenting an opportunity to seriously change—and improve—your daily routine.


You’re a social butterfly at the best of times, but today you’ll be craving social interaction more than usual. The moon in your eleventh house reflects your desire to surround yourself with like-minded individuals, and when it makes a trine with Venus in your seventh house, you might just find yourself in a board meeting with your new best friend or a potential workplace fling. If you’re already partnered, you can expect a super-special romantic moment around noon; if they’re thinking about you, they won’t hesitate to tell you, even if they’re not usually the type for sentimentalities. This afternoon, when the moon trines the North Node in your third house, you’ll find yourself having important conversations with important people—and it’s up to you, humanitarian that you are, to keep everyone’s differing viewpoints from clashing. Play the diplomat and try to keep everyone on track. Tonight, the moon’s opposition to Jupiter in your fifth house is indicative of a playful, romantic energy. Take advantage of it by planning a spontaneous date night or daring to strike up a conversation with a magnetic stranger.


You won’t be able to avoid the spotlight today, with the moon circulating through your tenth house. Your career has a lot of potential for growth if you play your cards right, and this might mean negotiating with people from radically different backgrounds, especially when the moon forms a trine to Venus in your sixth house late this morning. It might feel as though you’re trying to navigate an office divided, but political and ideological arguments can be avoided by simply staying silent and refusing to engage. A debate requires two people, after all. It might be best to avoid combative energy entirely today, unless you truly feel convicted about your beliefs, because the moon will form a trine with the North Node in your second house late this afternoon, providing you with an opportunity to make more money. A raise or promotion could come along, with quite a bit more responsibility; if you’re up to the task, you will undoubtedly reap the rewards. Tonight, when the moon opposes Jupiter in your fourth house, you will have to navigate this new work-life balance. Your family might disapprove of your choice to spend more or less time at work, believing that you should put your focus elsewhere. You can’t please everyone, so just try to do what makes you happy at this point in your life.