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Horoscope For Today: Thursday, July 18, 2024

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Today begins with the moon still in spontaneous Sagittarius, making our collective desire for freedom and adventure difficult to ignore. There is relatively little action in the cosmos today except for aspects made to the two luminaries, and these are enough to make a serious impact on our lives, both at the individual and global levels.

First, thereā€™s the sextile between the sun in Cancer and Uranus in Taurus at 26Ā°. There is little left to be truly shocked by, but this sun-Uranus aspect might just manage to do it: the trad-leaning Cancer can become ruthlessly combative when its safety and security are threatened, and Taurus is nothing if not stubborn.

As geopolitical tensions get more extreme, nationalistic impulses will drive us to protect our homes, families, and communities. Even if youā€™re not really the reactionary type, you might find yourself clinging to ideals and traditions that you have long taken for granted.

The sun rules our ego, while the moon is more emotionally driven, so the lunar transits of the day are likely to be felt internally. Take the square between the moon in Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces at 19Ā°, for instance. This is by far the most important, causing conflict and tension between our heads and our hearts.

Most of us will experience this transit as a struggle between our independent streak and our sense of duty, potentially enhancing the conservative flavor of the day. Organized religion is bound to clash with more mystical belief systems as the two Jupiter-ruled planets square off.

While the public will empathize at a distance with those of different cultural and religious backgrounds, even continuing to protest their mistreatment, most people will ultimately choose their own comfortā€”even, possibly, to the point of detachment or delusion, since the Piscean waters can feel like a very safe place to escape when the real world becomes too overwhelming.

How can you anticipate this day playing out for you, personally? Read according to your rising sign.


Today the sun in your fourth house makes a harmonious sextile with Uranus in your second, reflecting the enormity of your love for your family and what you will do to protect them, no matter the cost. The way you make money, or the values you hold strongly, might take a hit, but you will find yourself more than willing to make the sacrifice for your family. Even if you are annoyed by them at the best of times, you will feel a certain alliance to your blood today, as shocking information about your finances forces you to choose between work and home. Later, the moon in your ninth house squares off with Neptune in your twelfth, lifting the veil for you in some area of your religious or spiritual life that you have been grappling with. This could be the beginnings of a crisis of faith, or a sudden conversion moment. You will feel compelled to deal with it privately, and this isnā€™t such a bad thing, but be wary of obsessive overthinking and step away when you start to feel yourself getting stressed out. You donā€™t have to have all the answers.


The sun in your third house makes a sextile with Uranus in your first, so you can expect your community, siblings, and extended family to be more important to you than ever. If youā€™re from the type of family with a group chat, itā€™s going to be buzzing with activity today; if you live close to your family, they might just show up unannounced. Youā€™ll enjoy the closeness and familiarity, and conversation will flow easilyā€”yet youā€™ll feel compelled to stand up for yourself if someoneā€™s words cut particularly deep, and your bluntness might just shock your loved ones today, destabilizing the otherwise calm dynamic. Later, the moon in your eighth house makes a square to Neptune in your eleventh, driving a wedge between you and your broader professional network and social circle. You might experience this tension reflected in the shifting priorities of your friend group, whose casual willingness to go out and get drunk in the middle of the week is no longer serving you financially, emotionally, or psychologically. Take some time alone and reflect on whether your friends are actually conducive to your personal and professional growth, or if theyā€™re holding you back. Misery loves company, and a lot of you are ready to choose happiness instead.


The sun in your second house forms a sextile to Uranus in your twelfth today, bringing seismic shocks to your financial axis and potentially shaking you out of the belief that you can continue to engage in magical thinking or escapism as long as your bank balance remains stable. Many of you will recognize youā€™ve been spending pretty recklessly and decide to stop going out every weekend, or decide that youā€™re sober-curious. Your mental health, too, has likely suffered as youā€™ve tried to avoid facing your material reality with prudence and responsibility. Itā€™s a startling wakeup call, but one youā€™ve been desperately needing. Later today, the moonā€™s square to Neptune in your seventh and tenth houses, respectively, will turn your thoughts toward your partner and how they fit into your career. Some of you might clumsily soft-launch tonight and face some criticism for your choice of partner, or have a difficult discussion about how they fit into your future. Itā€™s not necessarily breakup energy, but the potential is there if you canā€™t envision a universe where youā€™re proud to publicly brag about your person or confidently show them off on Instagram.


Today the sun in your first house sextiles Uranus in your eleventh, giving you the chance to lead your professional community or large circle of friends into new and potentially controversial territory. Take the lead on a new project at work or start a risquĆ© podcast with your best friendsā€”whatever youā€™re planning on doing, the timing is right to catalyze change in your community. Even if you donā€™t get all the glory, youā€™ll know youā€™re the star. Later on in the day, the moon in your sixth house will form a square to Neptune in your ninth, causing tension between your coworkers and your ideological beliefs. Some of you may get reprimanded for something you said on social media that doesnā€™t jive with the companyā€™s ethos, while others will choose to walk away from a job they can no longer ethically support. Be aware that visionaries are rarely seen as such right away. If you gain some haters, consider it a sign that youā€™re doing something right.


The sun in your twelfth house makes a sextile to Uranus in your tenth, bringing your secret struggles and vices into the public arena. Whether you choose to own your mistakes or not is up to you. You arenā€™t exactly one to shy away from a challenge, so itā€™s unlikely youā€™ll go into hermit mode, but it may be a bit shocking to navigate this territory. Those of you who are influencers run the risk of facing scandals today, but theyā€™re unlikely to be the sort that make or break careers; while Uranus is quick and feisty, it doesnā€™t always leave lasting impacts. Regardless, make sure you have a good support system around you and lean on your friendsā€”those few trusted people who actually know you and your character. Later, the moon in your fifth house makes a square with Neptune in your eighth, laying the groundwork for a fun and sexy date night with a casual flingā€”but no matter how much chemistry you have, it might not be a long-term thing. Try not to get too emotionally invested.


Today the sun in your eleventh house makes a sextile to Uranus in your ninth, giving you the opportunity to expand your social network in accordance with your newfound religious, cultural, or philosophical ideals. If youā€™ve recently decided to start attending a book club in your neighborhood or spontaneously moved to Spain for the summer, youā€™ll find companionship quickly and build trust with a new circle. Trust that this camaraderie is meaningful and worthwhile, even if you have suffered profound betrayal by friends in the past. Your desire for found family might be stronger at this time, so youā€™ll want these peopleā€™s approval; the good news, if youā€™ve been working hard to attract positive influences into your life, youā€™re likely to find them now. Later, the moon in your fourth house squares off with Neptune in your seventh, muddying the waters when it comes to your roots and family of originā€”especially if you have a best friend or partner they donā€™t necessarily approve of. Take their opinions seriously, as you might currently be in the honeymoon stage and thus unable to see some glaring red flags. On the other hand, they might just be paranoid.


The sun in your tenth house puts the spotlight on you today, and when it makes a sextile with Uranus in your eighth, you might just reap the financial rewards. Influencers and freelancers should keep an eye on their online presence today, posting if they can, because the potential for landing a dream brand deal or client is right around the cornerā€”and you could be compensated more than you ever dreamed. Use this energy constructively, though, and donā€™t be tempted by the first offer that comes along; youā€™re radiating star quality right now, and if something feels misaligned with your purpose or otherwise ā€œoff,ā€ you can always reject it. A better offer is surely right around the corner. Later, the moon in your third house forms a square with Neptune in your sixth, granting you the desire to speak more openly and honestlyā€”but be wary of who you share your secrets with, as your coworkers, spiritual coaches, and consultants are all capable of misguiding you right now. Their intentions might not be malicious, but nevertheless they are probably not presenting the truest versions of themselves. Do your research.


The sun in your ninth house makes a sextile to Uranus in your seventh today, creating the potential for a meet-cute or an upgrade in your current relationship status. Hang out in spaces where you feel intellectually stimulated, whether theyā€™re religious institutions or your college library, as youā€™re likely to magnetically attract shockingly compatible influences. Living abroad? Trying to find community among a new culture? Today could be the day you meet someone who opens a lot of doors for you. Later, when the moon squares off with Neptune in your second and fifth houses, respectively, you might find yourself swept up in a Before Sunrise experience that seems almost too good to be true. Romantic, magical, and luxurious as it might be, be wary of anyone who seems too idyllic. Everyone has flaws, and tonight youā€™re vulnerable to fake-flexing, new money types. If you are whisked away on a thrilling date night, at least insist on paying your own way. The person in head-to-toe designer clothes might actually be in severe debt.


Today the sun in your eighth house makes a sextile to Uranus in your sixth, giving you a boost of confidence in your abilitiesā€”and a financial reward, to boot. If youā€™ve been eyeing a promotion or raise for a while, or youā€™ve been trying to quit your job to focus on your side hustle full-time, today might be the day you get that opportunity. Youā€™ll be feeling yourself today, with the moon in your first house giving you a radiant glow that makes you more attractive and alluring to everyone around you. Later, however, when la lune squares Neptune in your fourth, you are likely to experience a conflict between your authentic identity and your familial expectations. Your mom might text you about an Instagram post your extended family has deemed inappropriate, or you might experience an intervention from your grandparents, who feel youā€™re getting too big for your britches. No one can humble you like your own family. If youā€™ve been making big bucks lately or getting tons of accolades at work, you might have lost sight of where you came from. Trust that their tough love comes from a well-intentioned place, even if their words feel harsh.


Your relationships are the most important focus right now, with the sun in your seventh house, but when it forms a sextile with Uranus in your fifth, you can expect your lover, best friend, or business partner to take things to the next level. This is a time of creative and romantic overflow, and youā€™d do well to harness this energy to bring something new into the worldā€”whether thatā€™s a literal child youā€™re trying to conceive, or a brand-new project you feel passionate about. Some of you will quite literally give birth today, and to those Cap risings, I send many well wishes. You might have some sleepless nights ahead, regardless of whether youā€™re a new parent or not, thanks to the moon in your twelfth house forming a square to Neptune in your third house. Your subconscious is frenetic with activity right now, and your tendency towards escapism is high; you might prefer to get high and spill your thoughts in your journal at 2 AM, or write a sad song to process your feelings. Itā€™s a good time to put pen to paper and communicate your thoughts and feelings, but be cautious about what you share with the world. Not everything is for othersā€™ consumption.


Youā€™re the mom friend at work right now with the sun in your sixth house, but when it forms a sextile with Uranus in your fourth, you might have to take some time off and instead allow yourself to be babied a little. Shocking news and information regarding your family of origin, or your actual residence, could push your colleagues lower on the list of priorities for now. Some of you will experience electrical mishaps like power outages, in the most literal manifestation of this transit, while others will simply be bowled over by a scandal, like a parentā€™s midlife crisis. Later, the moon in your eleventh house squares Neptune in your second, bringing potential false promises from within your wider network of acquaintances. If your college friend with the dreamy destination wedding planned admits theyā€™re actually going into debt to accomplish their dream, donā€™t be surprised. Just donā€™t be an enabler of irresponsible behavior.


The moon in your fifth house forms a sextile to Uranus in your third, making it an ideal day to talk to a new casual partner about the future of your relationshipā€”or simply get to know some new people better. That way, you can parse who is aligned with your values and who has absolutely no chance of getting your number after a few Hinge messages. Speaking of dating apps, you might receive such a frustratingā€”or disturbingā€”message that you decide itā€™s time to go full Luddite. This will be the wakeup call you need to push you back onto a more traditional dating path. Itā€™s not like you were meeting your soulmate on the apps anyway, right? Later, when the moon in your tenth house squares off with Neptune in your first, you can expect lots of attention online and plenty of opportunities to boost your career. If you work in social media in any capacity, you already know that most influencers are playing a bit of a character, but you might have a crushing realization about a role youā€™re about to take on: youā€™ll really have to sell out to succeed. If this is okay with you, move swiftly onward. If it makes you uncomfortable, take a step back and reevaluate. It isnā€™t worth it to become rich and famous based on a lie.