Trung Nguyen

4 Zodiac Signs Who Value Friendship Above Romantic Relationships

As most people are sure to realize, it’s up to all of us to find individual meaning in each and every one of our lives. For some, that meaning could take the form of a long-gestating creative project – a memoir, painting, or epic poem that touches the hearts and souls of anyone fortunate enough to lay eyes on it. For others, it could mean having a person to share our lives with, be it on a romantic or strictly platonic basis. As beneficial as a sweeping romantic relationship can be, some signs seem to gravitate towards the care and support of a strong social group, preferring to spend time with their friends in lieu of a potential significant other.


You have the unique ability to engage in a deep and meaningful connection with almost anyone, Gemini. Converting random strangers into some of your closest confidants after a mere conversation, you have a true gift when it comes making friends in the most unlikely of places. Though you might enjoy an occasional romantic fling every now and again, at the end of the day, the camaraderie you feel with your social clique is a simple pleasure you could never live without.


You need a constant source of stability in your life, Cancer, something you hope to gain from close contact with your lifelong friends. As much as you love the idea of a romantic partner, you reserve some hesitancy at actually playing the field, not wanting to emotionally invest in a relationship that could end at any given moment. Instead, you look to your pals for support and a sense of purpose, spending days that could be reserved for idyllic date nights hanging out and conversing with your friend group.


As one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac, you consider yourself extremely dedicated to your friends and loved ones, bending over backwards to make sure their wants and needs are always taken care of. Spending far more time hanging out with your social clique than you do on the dating scene, you aren’t necessarily bothered by your lack of relationship success, seeing your friends as being every bit as important – if not more so – than a potential romantic suitor.


You have friends in every corner of the Earth, Sagittarius, a direct result of your adventurous spirit, affable attitude, and consistent desire to meet new people. As someone always ready to pack up your bags at a moment’s notice, you take comfort in the fact that you have friends waiting to see you in the places you’re traveling to, rather than lamenting at a partner you’re leaving behind. You can go months without seeing your friends that live on the other side of the country, but you grow despondent and heartsick every time you’re forced to say goodbye to your significant other.