Ogo Johnson

Horoscope For Today: Monday, August 26, 2024

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With both luminaries in mercurial signs today, there is a strong focus on communication, but a discrepancy in how ideas should be conveyed. The sun in Virgo demands perfectionism, while the moon in Gemini is more open and exploratory.

To complicate matters, Mercury is still retrograde—so even the most diplomatic speaker in the world could still misstep. While Virgo and Gemini are both mutable signs capable of adaptability and understanding of nuance, they are fundamentally at odds, forming a difficult square to each other on the zodiac wheel.

It goes without saying that it’s probably not the best time to publish anything of significance, including books, blog posts, press releases, and important emails. If you don’t have a choice in the matter, just be sure that every single paragraph is scrutinized with a fine-toothed comb before your work is sent out for wide release.

In spite of today’s unavoidable challenges for those working in publishing, digital media, and public relations, the moon offers some brief windows of auspicious timing as it cycles through virtually every degree today.

At midnight EST, it sits at 0° of Gemini, forming a trine with transformative Pluto in Aquarius, reflecting the collective desire to express darker and more taboo emotions—especially if they feel encouraged by the camaraderie of a like minded group. This is fertile ground for information overload, so avoid doom-scrolling, but if you’ve been planning to stage a protest, today just might be the day that you can’t hold back your rebellious nature any longer.

By 5:26 AM, the moon will square off with the sun in Virgo at 3°, creating friction between the common man and public figures such as journalists, reporters, and pundits, who may be suspected of shilling propaganda. Exercise discernment and fact-check everything you read, allowing your rational mind rather than your emotions to guide you. Your emotions might trip you up, so try to avoid falling prey to fallacies like the appeal to authority, in which strong and important voices convince you of misinformation. Instead, use a critical eye to examine the possible biases of everyone who appears on your feed.

At 10:22 AM, the moon will trine another prominent feminine placement at 6°: Black Moon Lilith. It’s currently in the early degrees of Libra, reflecting the sheer power of powerful women in politics and law. Keep an eye out for headlines today that mention legislative changes relating to women and women’s issues.

If you have been awaiting the right moment to make your voice heard and stand in your power, the time is coming. It’s not quite here yet, but it’s quickly building momentum, and in fact has been ever since Lilith entered the sign of justice. On a very microcosmic level, this transit could suggest a breaking point for women who are tired of inequality within their marriages. Some divorce papers will inevitably be served.

This evening, at 5:02 PM, the moon makes perhaps its most challenging aspect of the day: a square with Saturn in Pisces at 16°, heralding a poignant and bittersweet moment of growth that may feel incredibly painful or profoundly healing, depending on the individual placements in your own natal chart—and your perspective, to a degree.

While the moon wishes to act erratically, Saturn proposes the long game is better. Wait for karma to reach those who have wronged you and do not wish any additional harm towards them. In some people’s personal lives, especially if they are mothers, this could manifest as an older relative or spiritual authority figure overstepping their boundaries and trying to control the domestic sphere.

How will all of this play out for you personally? Read the following according to your rising sign.


The moon in your third house makes you an especially skilled communicator today, and when it trines Pluto in your eleventh house you could make an immensely powerful, even revolutionary, influence on your wider social network. Speak the words everyone else is secretly thinking and open a refreshing new dialogue for your colleagues and peers. Early in the morning, when the moon squares off with the sun in your sixth, you could face a minor injury to your pride when someone in your local community or workplace makes a disparaging comment about your habits, routine, or health. Later, when the moon trines Black Moon Lilith in your seventh house, you will feel more empowered to take charge of your autonomy in relationships that are simply not working for you anymore. This evening, when the moon squares Saturn in your twelfth house, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the discouraging aspects of your day and strategize how to maturely and responsibly navigate them moving forward. Avoid turning to vices to drown your sorrows, but feel free to allow yourself a little catharsis via your favorite sad girl summer playlist.


The moon in your second house making a trine with Pluto in your tenth promises a major transformation to your reputation, income, and values. While some of you will achieve accolades and promotions, others will face layoffs and opportunities to rebuild their career from scratch. Is it time for you to go back to school to pursue a second degree, or change industries entirely? Very early this morning, the moon forms a square with the sun in your fifth house, causing complications with your financial situation and your creative impulses. Those who are trying to conceive may take a step back to re-evaluate their economic situation before they bring a new life into the world. Later, the moon trines Black Moon Lilith in your sixth house, bringing forth the potential for empowerment through your womanhood—or disparaging comments from female colleagues who may have been secretly praying on your downfall. Pay their words no mind and focus on what you can bring to the table as you make this transition into a new era of life. Tonight, the moon squares off against Saturn in your eleventh house, bringing you opportunities to commune with higher-status individuals in your wider network. Be wary of taking on more responsibility than you can handle.


As the moon transits through your first house, you feel more confident in your own skin and come across as more relatable to your peers. The trine to Pluto in your ninth elevates you to a position of leadership very easily, especially if your job entails foreign affairs, spiritual matters, or the law. Early in the day, when the moon squares off against the sun in your fourth house, you are likely to covet your alone time; nevertheless, the public demands your attention. Text a family member for moral support if you are feeling out of your depth. Later, the moon trine Black Moon Lilith in your fifth house brings out your deep, sensual side and gives you an alluring mystique that others will find enticing. Post a thirst trap and wait for the DMs to come flooding in. This evening, the moon square Saturn in your tenth house gives you pause as you are forced to reflect on your personal branding and how it can best represent you on the public stage.


The moon in your twelfth house trine Pluto in your eighth might give you weird dreams, and you are likely to awaken feeling a certain melancholy. Consider it the metaphorical grey and rainy summer storm that ruins your day. If you have been repressing deep emotional wounds, they are going to be triggered today and you might be tempted to reach for your familiar vices. This morning, when the moon squares the sun in your third house, you’ll feel restricted and censored, unable to express yourself well enough. Try journaling your feelings in a stream-of-consciousness format instead. Later, the moon will trine Black Moon Lilith in your fourth house, encouraging you to dry your tears, set some mood lighting, and have an indulgent evening. Light a candle and listen to some jazz as you cook dinner. Sometimes it’s okay to let yourself be sad. Later on this evening, the moon square Saturn in your ninth house reflects spiritual, cultural, or ideological crises you may be going through. While your emotions may compel you to stay in a situation you’ve sunk a lot of time, money, and energy into, tonight you might own up to the fact that you’re not truly happy. You can always choose another path with less responsibility and more freedom.


The moon in your eleventh house forms a trine with Pluto in your seventh, bringing shocks and revelations surrounding an important relationship. Breakups are just as likely as proposals; it’s all dependent on the current nature of your relationship. Later this morning, the moon squares the sun in your second house, ushering in a tense energy amongst your colleagues or wider social network. There is an opportunity to earn a lot of money through collaboration with someone in your circle, but it might come with a sacrifice you’re not entirely comfortable making. Hold off on making a decision right away; later, the moon’s trine with Black Moon Lilith in your third house offers you an empowering boost of confidence to negotiate with the utmost tact. This evening, the moon squares off against Saturn in your eighth house, bringing some paradoxical emotions to the forefront: on one hand you’ll be pleased you’ve secured a new income stream or inheritance, while on the other you’ll feel as though this transformation will ultimately leave you on the outside of your peer group. Trust that you will find your new tribe in divine timing—and that your true friends will be supportive no matter where life takes you.


Today the attention is on you, with the moon in your tenth house making a perfect trine to Pluto in your sixth. Your physical health struggles or fitness journey will positively influence your reputation, so share your pain narrative fearlessly and own up to the hardships you may be facing. Your relatability is your greatest asset. This morning, the moon squares the sun in your first house, turning the spotlight on you and allowing you to take the stage even as your anxiety about vulnerability threatens to trip you up. Be brave and believe that your story matters. Later, when the moon forms a trine with Black Moon Lilith in your second house, you might receive an unexpected financial reward from a cool and confident woman you admire. Your favorite person just might slide into your DMs asking to collaborate. Tonight, the moon square Saturn in your seventh house opens a window to commit with your partner—if you have one—or increase the level of commitment to a new relationship. Your emotions may be divided about this change; ask yourself whether you’re just getting cold feet, or you’re actually not sure you want to take this step.


The moon in your ninth house trine Pluto in your fifth reflects a massive change to your creative and romantic life, especially if you’ve been thinking of moving abroad or making up excuses to talk to your hot young TA. A casual fling might be on the horizon. This morning, the moon forms a square to the sun in your twelfth house, suggesting a secretive nature to your identity right now. Be careful you’re not oversharing emotionally without being totally sincere. Your version of the story might not be the only one, or even the one that is true. Later, the moon trines Black Moon Lilith in your first house, a transit basically begging to be taken advantage of if you’re single—you’ll be feeling yourself, looking great, and giving off a subtly mysterious vibe as opposed to your usual diplomatic charm. This evening, when the moon squares Saturn in your sixth, you might feel burnt out and tired after a day of networking, and other health issues might be triggered. Listen to some white noise and use an eye mask to ensure an uninterrupted, restful night of sleep.


With the moon in your eighth house making a trine to Pluto in your fourth, many of you will receive inheritances—but if that isn’t in the cards for you personally, you can still anticipate family money coming to you in some capacity. This transit, taken quite literally, is the cliché movie scenario where someone learns their mysterious great-aunt has left them seven figures in an envelope. Be grateful for your blessings and show gratitude to your relatives who offer to help you live your best life. This morning, the moon forms a square to the sun in your eleventh house; you can anticipate your social circle projecting a fair amount of jealousy onto you rather than working out why they hold resentment so close to their hearts when others are successful. You might learn the hard way that a friend or colleague has been gossiping or wishing ill will on you. Fortunately, the moon’s trine to Black Moon Lilith in your twelfth house will reveal hidden enemies and ensure they receive the karma they deserve. Tonight, when the moon squares off against Saturn in your fifth house, you and your partner may get closer through a shared creative pursuit or a romantic date night.


The moon in your seventh house trine Pluto in your third creates the ideal environment for your partner to confess something revelatory that changes the nature of your relationship, particularly involving short-distance travel and relocation. If you’ve had a crazy roommate for too long to bear, you might finally make the decision to move in with your partner instead—or one of your neighbors could get upgraded to partner status, after months of casual flirtatious banter. Today, when the moon forms a square with the sun in your tenth house, your relationship status will be the talk of the town, providing the group chat with lots of details they can live vicariously through. Later, the moon makes a trine with Black Moon Lilith in your eleventh house, evoking some jealousy and competition from within the ranks. Be careful who you trust right now. The good news is that if someone tries to move in on your partner, you’ll know right away and karma won’t waste much time sorting them out. Remember, the best revenge is none. Tonight, the moon square Saturn in your fourth house provides the coziest possible environment for you to relax with your loved ones, comfortable in the knowledge that your relationship is built on a solid foundation that will stand the test of time.


The moon in your sixth house trine Pluto in your second reflects a turning point that allows you a healthier work-life balance. If you’ve been running yourself ragged to ensure you can pay the bills, you might learn your company is going to be trying out the four-day workweek or offering you a hybrid model that works better for your mental and physical health. Those of you who are awaiting compensation for a workplace injury might also receive positive news today. This morning, when the moon squares off against the sun in your ninth house, you might find it challenging to attend to your daily religious and spiritual rituals due to lethargy or illness. Give yourself some time to relax. Later, when the moon makes a trine to Black Moon Lilith in your tenth house, you’re granted the opportunity to step up into a leadership role that highlights your insane work ethic. Be cautious of coming across too cutthroat if you are already in a competitive work environment. Tonight, the moon squares Saturn in your third house, bringing you—perhaps reluctantly—closer to your local community and extended family. You may find common ground with a sibling you never got along with, or learn more about your neighbors when you all experience a minor crisis together.


The moon in your fifth house makes a trine to Pluto in your first, a fairly straightforward transit representative of your popularity with the opposite (or same) sex. Engage in some casual flirting or plan a weekend away with your partner. You’ll be in the mood not only for romance, but for fun and creativity that you can share with your person. When the moon squares the sun in your eighth house, you might realize you’ve been making some not-so-great financial decisions in order to keep the spark going. Pay off the debts you owe before any more spontaneous adventures tempt you. Later, the moon’s trine to Black Moon Lilith in your ninth house suggests an opportunity to learn from a female mentor in another country, on your college campus, or at a religious ceremony. If you’ve been seeking tough-love, intergenerational advice from someone who can truly help you reach your highest potential, you’re in luck. The door is wide open. Tonight, when the moon squares Saturn in your second house, you’ll probably panic over your finances. Don’t lose sleep over what you can’t undo. Just try to do better in the future.


The moon in your fourth house trine Pluto in your twelfth gives you a sombre outlook on life today, especially since secrets about your family or property are about to come out. Even if they seem startling at first, you’ll be pleased in the end—it’s better to know the whole truth about a situation so you can assess it most effectively. This morning, when the moon squares the sun in your seventh house, your emotions might make your partner uncomfortable, as they’re in work mode and likely don’t have the emotional capacity to show up for you in the way you’d like. If this is a pattern, it might be time to leave; if it’s a one-time thing, you’ll probably choose to let it go. If you fight, making up will likely happen when the moon trines Black Moon Lilith in your eighth house, giving you irresistible charm. Tonight, the moon squares off against Saturn in your first house, making you want to get cozy, put on a movie, and have some snacks. Your body might feel sore after a day of physical overexertion or emotional ups and downs.