George Milton

Horoscope For Today: Thursday, August 29, 2024

Table of Contents

After the whirlwind that has been the best couple of days, many of you will be relieved to learn that the moon is now in the realm of soft yet fierce Cancer, known for her tough love.

The theme of patriotism that borders on nationalism is present in the cultural climate right now, though, and this Cancerian transit is likely to drive us further into our homes and communities, supporting one another out of a righteous and instinctive desire to protect those closest to us. Itā€™s not necessarily a bad thing to feel loyalty to your loved ones and your community, so long as your duty-bound obligations donā€™t lead to an anxious distrust of the outsider.

Today Venus sits at 29Ā° of Virgo, a sign where it is traditionally debilitated. If youā€™ve found it difficult to feel heard by your partner, or your romantic and sensual side has been effectively shut off so that you can direct your passion towards your work and productivity, you can breathe a sigh of relief, because this era is about to end.

The anaretic degree is representative of endings, often those that are very abrupt. You can trust that this self-love journey has prepared you internally for the outward expression of intimacy from 9:42 AM EST onward, at which point Venus will be exalted in Libra, where it is ecstatic to provide opportunities for partnership.

At 11:58, the moon makes a trine to Saturn in Pisces at 16Ā°, reflecting a period of emotional maturity and responsibility.

Likely, for the past several weeks during which Saturn has been retrograde, you have been struggling to maintain equilibrium in your mental and emotional world; external burdens appear endless, and people in positions of authority have been on your case.

For this brief window of time, camaraderie between older peopleā€”relatives, bosses, and mentorsā€”and young women is possible. A breakthrough moment of intergenerational solidarity is coming at just at the right time. Make use of it by listening openly and non-judgmentally to someone you previously believed you shared nothing in common with. This dialogue is how truly profound connections are made, common ground is established, and change begins to take root.

How will this day go for you on a personal level? A short overview is below. Read according to your rising sign for the most accurate forecast.


Today the moon transits through your cozy fourth house, placing a stronger emphasis on your physical home and your place of origin. Venus finishes its awkward transit through your sixth house, presenting you with a final opportunity to make a dramatic change in your daily routine: sign up for pilates class while your local gym is still offering discounts, or use your characteristic boldness to approach your office crush. Around noon, the moon trines Saturn in your twelfth house, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and giving you a chance to speak with your superiors about how they can better serve you, rather than the other way around. A team is unable to function if even a single member of it is feeling burnt out. Be honest about your challenges and expect understanding. You know what you deserveā€”now dare to stand up and ask for it.


While the moon makes its way through your third house, you can anticipate more opportunities to hang out with your extended family and local community. You might find yourself unexpectedly babysitting for your sister or neighbor, but you will find it easy to adapt today, and your ability to communicate with empathy and genuine understanding is enhanced. Others will undoubtedly take notice of your gentler spirit today. Venus finalizes its transit through your fifth house, giving you the green light to solidify your relationship status or take a casual fling to the next level. Some of you will cut things off today, while others will decide to make the hard launch. Right before midday, the moon forms a trine to Saturn in your eleventh house, gaining you the respect of an important leader in your social network and enabling you to make change. ā€œThink local, act globalā€ should be your motto today as you offer your opinion on how to reach a wider audience. The elders in your life will begrudgingly acknowledge that you might possess knowledge they donā€™t.


With the moon in your second house, youā€™re focused on money today, likely feeling more possessive over what youā€™ve earned through your own hard work. Putting in the time and effort has paid off for some of you, and you will be financially rewarded; for those who have been careless with their credit card, there will be a moment of reckoning, especially when Venus in your fourth house reaches its final degree. At this point you will take stock of your priorities as they relate to beautifying your home and overspending to treat your family. While your mom absolutely deserves a spa day, it doesnā€™t need to be $300ā€”sheā€™d likely appreciate a catch-up over coffee just as much, especially if it doesnā€™t cost half as much as your monthly rent. For some of you, family will be trying to set you up romantically; itā€™s up to you whether you agree to go on a blind date with their friendā€™s coworkerā€™s son whoā€™s in law school, or if you can discern your own way to a relationship, thank you very much. Around noon, the moon trines Saturn in your tenth house, leaving you little time to think about such matters; your public standing will be much more significant as you step into a powerful position of leadership. You could get an interview with your dream company or land a six-figure book deal. No matter what the circumstances are, the potential for major longevity in your career is there.


The moon in your first house allows others to see you at your warmest and most approachable. Donā€™t shy away from opportunities to be vulnerable, check in with a friend who is grieving a bad breakup, or console a stranger crying on the street. Random acts of kindness will go a long way today. With Venus in your third house, your conversational skills are the strongest theyā€™ve been in a long time, and youā€™ll likely need to use them to navigate social situations that involve your neighborhood, community, or extended family. If thereā€™s drama in the sibling group chat, youā€™ll be the mature and reasonable one even as everyone else is melting down. Those of you who have been in a new relationship may very well decide to move in together todayā€”or break your lease to move out of a toxic household. Around midday, when the moon trines Saturn in your ninth, you may hear from an academic advisor or spiritual mentor whose words of wisdom shake you to your core. The rest of the day is all about your expansion of knowledge and sharing ideas; even intergenerational friendships will feel refreshingly equal. You will walk away from a conversation you have today feeling profoundly humbled, moved, or inspired.


The moon in your twelfth house reflects the high level of emotional intelligence you are working with today. Not only are you capable of helping people understand themselves, but you are more attuned to your own psychological needs as well. Take note of insights gleaned from your dreams or discernment. The vulnerability you share with the world is especially powerful today. Furthermore, Venus finally reaches the end of its journey through your second house, granting you with a much-deserved reward. Youā€™ll likely encounter lots of good fortune as you make your way through the details of your day, finding a twenty-dollar bill on the ground or getting your latte paid for by a kind stranger, but those of you who have been working hard and chasing the big bucks might receive a huge promotion, brand deal, or dream client who is willing to pay you more than you proposed. The sky is the limit. Right before noon, the moon trines Saturn in your eighth house, opening the doors to even more golden opportunities. This time, someone elseā€™s money and influence will help you. Buy a lottery ticket or DM your idol for a collaboration. You never know what could happen.


The moon in your eleventh house places emphasis on your social circle and larger community, of which you have recently been assigned the mom friend. Even if youā€™re naturally more of a loner, youā€™re going to feel more sociable and extroverted today, going out of your way to rally your best friends for an early start to the weekend at your favorite cocktail bar. Venus has been transforming your physical appearance and giving you a major glow-up, but today it ends its cycle through your first house and helps you elevate yourself to an even higher standard. No one is more critical of their appearance than you, but youā€™ll be feeling yourself today. Get your friends or partner to play photographer to your muse and capture some photos of yourself while youā€™re radiating such confident vibes. Late this morning, the moon forms a trine to Saturn in your seventh house, suggesting a romance with someone older might get kickstarted by an emotional conversation or shared experience. If youā€™re already happily partnered, this transit could bring more responsibility and security to your relationship, even reflecting engagement for some of you. Older, wiser, and more mature mentors will surround you at this time, helping you to reach your best self not through control but through genuinely inspiring dialogue.


The moon in your tenth house elevates you today, making you shine brighter than usual and giving others plenty of opportunities to notice you. Your family might appear alongside you as you take a bold step into the spotlight. If youā€™re an influencer trying to reach other moms, this is the ideal day to start posting, especially when you consider the fact that Venus is currently almost finished its transit through your twelfth house. Your subconscious dreams and desires have been guiding you behind the scenes, but your vision boards are about to become reality. Book an appointment at your salon or treat yourself to the expensive skincare product at Ulta that youā€™ve been coveting. Youā€™re about to lookā€”and feelā€”better than ever. Right before noon, the moon trines Saturn in your sixth house, insinuating youā€™ll have to work a little harder at your wellness game to get where you want to be. Fortunately, if youā€™re looking for an accountability partner, youā€™ll find one today. If youā€™ve recently started a new workout routine and youā€™re feeling overwhelmed, or you feel like you want to see a dermatologist to heal your skin, you wonā€™t have to wait long to find the knowledge and wisdom you need. Healthy, conscious, and spiritually aware people will flock to you now.


While the moon transits your ninth house, your mind will be wandering a lot. Youā€™ll want to absorb a lot of information and learn a great deal, and if only the responsibilities in your external world werenā€™t such distractions, you could probably have some eureka moments. If you have family living abroad, you could hear from them today. Make time to be there for them, providing emotional support if thatā€™s what they need and well-intentioned advice if they ask for it. Otherwise, spend your time focused on your own steadily expanding social network, as Venus stations at the final degree in your eleventh house. Youā€™ve been searching for community your entire life, and you work hard to keep your tribe around. At this point in time, youā€™ll very likely get a metaphorical invite to the VIP-only party. The friends youā€™ve made recently have decided that youā€™re worthy of their time, and just like high school, you crave the approval of the popular cool girls. Reflect on what theyā€™re offering you: if itā€™s ultimately shallow and you donā€™t vibe with it, you can always distance yourself. If they are genuine and authentic, follow your heart. Right before noon, the moon will make a trine to Saturn in your fifth house, potentially inciting a new love affair with an older personā€”or solidifying the status of a situationship youā€™re already in.


The moon in your eighth house will, as always, trigger a stronger interest in your shadow self. If this uncharacteristic touch of morbidity is distracting you, get it out of your system by watching a true crime documentary rather than wallowing in your own existential dread. Move in silence today and keep an air of mystery about yourself. You need some time to be alone with your thoughts. Venus is almost done transiting your tenth house, so today marks the end of an era that was especially beneficial for your career and public reputation. Despite the internal struggle, youā€™ll be the most popular person in the Teams chat today, with lots of praise sent your way. Those of you in the corporate world are likely to be promoted or at least celebrated, while others will have a viral moment. If it happens, donā€™t worry that youā€™re not prepared to shoulder such a responsibility. Instead, make the most of your fifteen minutes of fame. Late this morning, the moon will form a trine to Saturn in your fourth house. Both your physical home and your older relatives may require more of your attention than usual. Speak to the elders in your family line and learn more about them while you have the chance. The conversation is likely to satisfy some unmet desire for connection with your roots, and in turn motivate you to take charge of your life and course-correct if necessary.


As the moon moves through your seventh house, your closest relationshipsā€”platonic, romantic, and businessā€”will be more important to you than usual. You will happily take on the role of caretaker if your best friend FaceTimes you in tears, or your boyfriend is sick with the summer flu. On the other hand, Venus is finishing its transit through your ninth house, ending a cycle during which you have expanded your knowledge so much that you can hardly find time to relax. Perhaps you traveled abroad this summer or enrolled in a summer course. Everything you learned during the process has enabled you to become a much better, more well-rounded version of yourself. Today, a lucrative opportunity associated with learning, travel, academia, or publishing is likely to come your way. Discuss it with your partner, even if itā€™s an offer you think you canā€™t refuse. Their input will be especially valuable to you today, even though you typically face the world with a fierce independence and no-nonsense attitude. Right before noon, the moon will make a trine with Saturn in your third house, reflecting your need to speak with older members of your family or local community before making a final decision. You will be grateful for their earnest desire to help you. And even if theyā€™re from a generation you like to discount, youā€™ll have to admit that their advice is surprisingly reasonable.


The minutiae of your daily routine is highlighted today with the moon in your sixth house, but you will feel emotionally stable enough to do the boring things: cleaning, organizing, and replacing your summer wardrobe with all your favorite sweaters. If youā€™ve been dealing with health problems, you may not be able to avoid going to the walk-in clinic today. Take care of yourself, both physically and mentally, around this time. With Venus closing out its transit through your eighth house, you likely feel as though a part of your life has been transformed, and if youā€™ve been doing the work (journaling, understanding your shadow, and listening to guided meditations), youā€™ll receive a little gift for all your hard work today. This will most likely be actual money, but you could also be rewarded in the form of an energy exchange between someone who is well-matched, such as a new therapist or life coach. Midday, the moon will make a trine to Saturn in your second house, ensuring an upswing in your finances. If youā€™ve been hustling hard and still not seeing the tangible results of your work, you will now. Someone in a position of authority will sweep in and take you under their wing, perhaps offering to manage or mentor you.


The moon in your fifth house sparks a deep desire for creative and romantic indulgence, and also places lots of children in your vicinity. If youā€™re trying to conceive, this is a great day to get down to business, particularly with Venus finishing its transit through your seventh; this summer has brought you closer to your partner than you ever thought possible, and now, with the planet of love at its final degree, a magical moment could happen for the two of you. If you and your partner arenā€™t about that life, you could simply babysit someone elseā€™s kids today, showing you a new and fun side of them. On the other hand, you could be gearing up to launch a new creative project together. This morning is the ideal time to do it. Right before lunchtime, the moon will form a trine with Saturn in your first house, guaranteeing more responsibility will be placed on youā€”but youā€™re bound to feel prepared. Seek the advice of older people who are directly in your vicinity. You wonā€™t have to go far to find the guidance you need.