Leah Newhouse

4 Special Zodiacs In For A Surprise After August 27

Sumptuous Venus makes a divine connection to unpredictable Uranus on August 27th. Gorgeous surprises are in store for 4 zodiacs. That’s especially nice news after this astrologically tumultuous month…read on to see if you’re in store for some beautiful bolts from the blue. 


The Venus-Uranus trine will be particularly lucky for Bulls, whose powers of attraction will be impossible to resist. Late August will be a great time for Taurus to attend parties and public events, as all eyes will be on them. Falling in love, getting engaged, or selling creative work are among the exciting possibilities. ProTip: This is also a great time for Taurus to play games of chance. 


At long last, Virgo will get the fame and acclaim for their considerable talent. The chance to publish a book, give a TED talk, or record a podcast can thrust this zodiac into the spotlight. One opportunity will quickly snowball into others, giving Virgins a chance to showcase their intellectual ability, as well as their impeccable taste. Travel opportunities are also on the way!


A fabulous windfall is in the cards for Libra, thanks to a trine between Venus, their ruler, and unexpected Uranus. An inheritance, legal settlement, lottery win, or royalty payment may be awarded to this zodiac, considerably improving their financial standing. That’s fantastic news for people born under the sign of the Scales, who can satisfy their profound love of luxury.


The Water-bearer’s domestic life will get a big boost this month, thanks to posh Venus’s trine to Uranus, their ruling planet. Finding their dream home is a distinct possibility. Whether this zodiac inherits property, finds an incredible bargain, wins a house, or moves in with someone who owns a fabulous estate is immaterial. August will usher in a fantastic living situation for Aquarius.