4 Zodiacs Whose Next Chapter Is All About Embracing Vulnerability

You might think that acting strong and stoic will help protect your heart, but that is far from the truth. You need to be open and honest about your emotions if you want to move on from whatever is bothering you and move forward with more confidence than ever. Here are the zodiacs who need to embrace their vulnerability in their next life chapter in order to reach their peak happiness:


You have spent a long time stuffing your feelings down your chest. You have pretended that everything was perfectly fine when you were screaming on the inside because you didn’t want to admit to your suffering. You didn’t want anyone to witness you at your weakness. But showing emotion isn’t weak. It takes strength to blurt out the truth instead of tricking others (and yourself) into believing pretty little lies. In order to reach the self-fulfillment and success that you deserve in your next life chapter, you need to be open about your feelings. Starting with yourself. Don’t lie about what’s bothering you. Don’t sweep problems under the rug. Be real with yourself. Be as honest as you can be.


You encourage everyone around you to be vulnerable. You want to know how they’re feeling and what they’re thinking so you can help guide them through their pain – but you rarely open up about your own emotions. You stay focused on others so you don’t have to deal with your own problems. You use them as a distraction from your internal pain. But in your next life chapter, you have to be brave enough to face the truth about yourself – and you have to trust that the people who love you will be there for you in the same way you have always been there for them. You have to embrace your vulnerable side because that’s what you are always encouraging others to do.


You have gotten hurt badly before – and you have had your walls up ever since. It’s tough to let someone new into your heart completely when you know what it feels like to be betrayed out of the blue. Since you never want to face so much pain again, you have been keeping yourself closed off, even from the people that you supposedly trust, and that needs to change. In your next life chapter, you have to challenge yourself to be more vulnerable. Don’t cry behind closed doors when you have shoulders to lean on. Don’t pretend everything is fine when you could come out and say what’s on your mind. Don’t minimize your pain when you could acknowledge it and grow from it.


You need to embrace your vulnerable side because pretending you are fine can only work for so long. Eventually, you are going to reach your breaking point. It’s much better to admit how you’re feeling now than to hold in all of those emotions until you can’t take it anymore. Even though you technically could keep living in denial, this is only going to hurt you in the long run. In fact, it’s already hurting you now. In your next life chapter, make sure you embrace your vulnerability, even if it feels awkward and uncomfortable, because it’s better to be real with yourself than lie to yourself. It’s better to face your problems immediately than to ignore them and let them snowball.