Vera Arsic

4 Zodiac Signs Who Refuse To Respect Boundaries With Their Ex


Virgo knows what their ex ate for lunch three hours ago, what book they just finished, and which co-worker they were talking shit about during happy hour, so don’t ever make the mistake of underestimating their power for surveillance and espionage. Their networks run deep and wide, and if you think you’re free from their web once the relationship ends, you are sadly mistaken. The more effort you make to go off the grid, the more tactics they will use to track you down. You’ll have to just get used to living your life under their watchful eye until they have a new ex to focus on, or finally move on from whatever conflict the two of you had that they haven’t been able to let go of.


Leo is the one who insists on remaining friends with all of their exes, no matter how complicated it can make their current and or future relationships. It’s just one giant forced orgy of people who have slept together, loved, fought, and potentially messily broken up all still invited to the same party without hesitation, time and time again, never questioning the practicality of expecting adults whose feelings have been hurt to all behave like adults in one room together. Leo takes the Taylor Swift approach, if she can sing the same songs about her exes enough, surely the hurt loses its intensity a little bit each time? If not, everyone loves a regurgitated love triangle; how else do we get new seasons of Emily in Paris?


Gemini can’t respect boundaries with their exes because they’re a seesaw of emotions. They’re always reaching out to express their anger and rage, until they start getting horny, lonely, or remorseful, and then the insults turn into waterworks, and all of a sudden they’re questioning why the relationship ever ended in the first place, even if it was months ago. Geminis are really loyal partners, and it takes them awhile to deprogram those feelings of commitment after a relationship ends. They have a hard time expressing that emotional struggle, and it easily devolves into lashing out or reaching out in an attempt to cope by avoiding the part that’s most painful for them, letting go.


Scorpio crosses boundaries with their exes by playing games of seduction. They’ll wear the outfit or the fragrance that drives their ex wild any time they know there’s a chance they’ll run into each other. They’re even maniacal enough to take advantage of the fact their ex forgot to stop sharing their location after the breakup to premeditate that coincidental rendez-vous. Their whole approach is to make everything seem as innocent and unintentional as possible, for it to seem like the universe is simply trying to bring the two of them back together when in reality a complex and multi-step plan is being orchestrated in the wings. Scorpio is the playwright, producer, director, stage designer, and star all in one, and their ex has a ticket waiting at will call whether they want it or not.