Love Tarot Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign’s October
Aries: Two of Cups
Love feels easy. A strong connection forms between you and someone special, making your days feel lighthearted and uplifted. Since you and another are on the same page, life feels natural to navigate as a team.
Taurus: Page of Wands
New beginnings are arriving in your love life. Someone you’re attracted to grabs your attention, whether someone you’ve known or is freshly introduced into your world. Enjoy. There’s a swiftness to this connection, with flirty banter and open body language.
Gemini: Five of Cups
This October asks you to grieve what could have been in love and romance. Heartbroken Geminis are healing, while couples must mourn what was to heal and move onwards. It’s okay to acknowledge your hurt feelings.
Cancer: Ace of Pentacles, Reversed
This month asks you to create healthy boundaries in love. Maybe there’s a delay in receiving money for one or both parties in a partnership. If so, ensure that practical matters are handled fairly, not with one person carrying all the weight.
Leo: Death Reversed
For Leo, it’s time to let things go in your love life. To heal and move forward, you must let bygones be bygones. Stop resisting the current of life. You won’t get where you want to be, holding onto what was. Confront the reality of your circumstances, and remember that you have the strength to do this.
Virgo: Knight of Wands
It’s time to become intentional with love and dating. You’re rushing to an imaginary finish line, hoping to secure your passions. However, you must trust the process and remain patient. Otherwise, you risk irritation or ego getting in the way of your romantic life.
Libra: Ten of Pentacles, Reversed
This month advises you to be mindful of how intergenerational issues may hinder your love development. Are you trying to date like your parents did? Or are you trying to reach a milestone before your relationship is ready out of social expectation?
Scorpio: Four of Swords
Contemplation is a powerful element of a healthy love life. This October, ask yourself to be less practical and more proactive about situating your mindset around a situation. You must slow down and rest to clear your mind and find the answers you seek.
Sagittarius: Temperance
There’s healing in store for your zodiac sign this month. Love feels like a safe space and refuge from the world’s troubles. Emotional waters regulate, allowing couples and singles alike to feel confident in the trajectory of romantic developments.
Capricorn: King of Wands, Reversed
You’re asked to stop taking a hyper-individualistic approach to relationships. You must put down your pride to build the love life you crave. It can be hard to show messy emotions and hand someone the key to your heart, knowing you have less logical power. However, it’s how true love can develop.
Aquarius: Ten of Swords, Reversed
You’re looking to bounce back from a dead-ended situation. A line has been crossed, and it’s time to stop going back to what was before that happened. The old version of a connection is dead and gone. It’s time to embrace a new future.
Pisces: Nine of Cups
Your cup is full this month. You gain what you’ve been longing for in love. Emotional fulfillment guides your days. Singles find the type of romance they’ve been craving, while couples hold hands with a smile on their faces. The world feels open to your victory.