Ceejay Talam

4 Zodiacs About To Reach New Heights In October


It’s rare for you to be caught off guard, Virgo, but this is the one instance in life where you haven’t been asking for more. More responsibility, more visibility, more recognition, more reward. You’re always the one with your hand held high when it comes time to pick someone for the promotion but for whatever reason, the task that’s about to be put on your plate is one you didn’t anticipate and one you never saw yourself stepping into. Nevertheless you will be thrust into the role all the same. You can do this. The same way you’ve risen to every occasion in your lifetime of overachievement. As much as you loathe the phrase ‘fake it til you make it’, you will simply have to pull from your existing stores of confidence the way a sommelier pulls an extra bottle from their wine cellar for an uninvited guest. They may catch you underprepared, but never unprepared. 


We tend to focus a lot on ‘depth’ when we talk about your emotional capacity, Pisces, rather than the concept of new emotional ‘heights’, but that’s exactly what you’re about to encounter this month. It’s difficult, sometimes, to admit you’ve never been so happy, so fulfilled, so excited to wake up each day and get out of bed to tackle the tasks before you. There’s something diminishing about the phrasing, as if everything that came before didn’t matter or wasn’t real, but that’s not what you should takeaway from the experience. Sometimes new levels of happiness are only feasible because of everything we lived before that moment. Our mistakes, our losses, our lessons learned place us exactly in the position we need to be in to receive that joy, and it’s okay to be overwhelmed by it, to not know how to deal with it or what to do with it. You are allowed to respond authentically to your own emotions.


You are about to find yourself in an elevated position of power, Gemini, but try not to let it get to your head. You have spent years watching others wield similar control over decisions that affected you personally, with plenty of opinions on the matter. Try, in this new role, to treat others with the respect and dignity you often found yourself wishing to receive. Be the person you wish others had been, instead of blinding following in their footsteps with ‘precedent’ as your justification. As exciting and thrilling as it may be to be the big guy with the big stick, remember what a big responsibility it is to impact so many others with your choices. You are up to this task, but just need a second to focus your perspective. Once the celebration ends, you can start to roll up your sleeves and get to work, because there’s a lot of it waiting for your attention.


Sometimes, Cancer, you can take your relationships for granted. Your family is your family. Your friends have been around forever. Your romantic partnerships are built to last. But this line of reasoning sometimes leads you to a place of complacency. You stop working, stop nurturing these bonds because you assume they are as strong as can be. Even the most solid anchor chains can rush. Even a perfectly cut diamond can be polished. Once you adjust your outlook, you will be astonished at the new appreciation you can have for the people who love you most. There is never a point at which we can stop learning about or growing with the people who are most important to us. Take that time to find out what’s really happening with them. Dig deeper, cut out the small talk, let them know how much you care, and you will reap the rewards of what you sow.