3 Zodiacs Who Refuse To Grow Up
Few things in life are as bittersweet as the inevitability of adulthood. Buckling down for the sake of your immediate and long-term future, learning to accept the responsibilities of our age is something we must all face sooner or later. While this might prove challenging to some, it also grants us a chance to develop a deeper, more lasting sense of satisfaction in our personal and professional lives. Unfortunately, some signs continuously shy away from the trials and tribulations of adulthood, dragging their feet whenever they have an opportunity to change from their present selves.
You live a fast and active lifestyle, Aries, bouncing from one adventure to the next with the grace of an international globe-trotter. On the surface, you want to be able to pack up and embark on a vacation within a moment’s notice, dropping everything in order to escape aboard your departing flight. Because of your unwavering love for adventure, you can’t help but grit your teeth whenever you’re presented with a new responsibility, viewing it as one more anchor preventing you from enjoying your optimal carefree lifestyle.
Deep down, your fear of growing older has to do with your fear of mortality, Leo. Sure, most people might view mundane issues like funding their Roth IRA or regularly taking their vitamins as an innocent enough activity – but to you, it’s like you’re one step closer to the grave. Possessing a deep reserve of energy and enthusiastic love for life, you want the future to be a direct extension of the present, allowing you to wake up and enjoy the benefits of youthfulness every single morning.
More often than not, you tend not to let age defy who you are and what you want out of life. Frequently dwelling between the material world and the ethereal realm beyond our own, your head is typically off in the clouds, daydreaming elaborate fantasies as a way to cope with the tedium of everyday life. A perpetual dreamer in more ways than one, you despise the idea of inhabiting a soul-crushing world of boring tasks and unexciting responsibilities – I.E., things that might cost you your ever-vibrant imagination.