What To Expect During The Rest Of 2024’s Sagittarius Season, According To Your Zodiac + Tarot
Your Card: Knight of Cups
Your fire collides and blazes with Sagittarius’ until December 21st, bringing excitement and passion into your life. You’re tempted to step outside your comfort zone. With the Sun electrifying your Ninth House of expansion and adventure, this isn’t a time for staying home or playing it safe. It isn’t a time for holding your cards close to your chest, either. If you take bold action toward your dreams and desires during this period, you’ll be rewarded. Don’t hold yourself back out of fear of rejection. Could you forgive yourself if you lived with regret because you were too embarrassed or scared to try? Whether it’s chasing after an opportunity or expressing what’s in your heart, do it with confidence. Let yourself be vulnerable to get what you want.
Your Card: Ten of Wands
Sagittarius season is going to be an intense, emotional period. The Sun makes its way through your Eighth House of intimacy, vulnerability, death, and rebirth. There’s an emphasis on introspection, yearning for deep connections, and letting go of the old. You’re going to be deep-diving into your inner world, unraveling your patterns and narratives, and experiencing radical self-honesty. As uncomfortable and painful as it may get, know that it’s only temporary. You’re going to be stepping into a more empowered, aligned version of yourself when you make it to the other side. But remember, in order to claim what’s meant for you and make room for better things, you have to let go of everything weighing you down—the past, what and who confines you, draining dynamics, burdens.
Your Card: Ace of Pentacles, reversed
As the Sun lands in your Seventh House of relationships and partnership, the Ace of Pentacles shakes you into examining your blockages surrounding both love and business. Be honest with yourself about what prevents you from achieving abundance and positive change in these areas. Could you be more proactive when it comes to growing your finances and career? Do you need to be building more connections at work? What stops you from pitching your ideas or business proposals? How can you better collaborate with others? If you’re in a relationship, reflect on how you can nurture more reciprocity and a stronger foundation with your partner. If you’re single and looking for something real, put yourself out there and open yourself up to new possibilities. The connection you seek isn’t going to land in your lap. You have to actively seek it out.
Your Card: The Hierophant, reversed
The Hierophant in reverse indicates that you’re currently feeling confined and boxed in. It signals a time for inner reflection, experimentation, exploration, new perspective, and breaking free from convention. With the Sun currently in expansive and daring Sagittarius, this is a season for stepping outside your comfort zone and taking a different approach. Trusting in tried-and-true methods isn’t always the smartest thing to do, sometimes it’s restrictive and it holds us back from making true progress. Try breaking the rules you’ve set for yourself and being more flexible over the next few weeks. Defy the norm. Challenge your beliefs and values. Try looking at things from a different angle when taking on your to-do list. If your way hasn’t been working, maybe it’s time to try a new one.
Your Card: Page of Swords
The Page of Swords promises a never-ending well of inspiration this Sagittarius season. You’re becoming inspired by the world around you and in your interactions with others. With the Sun in your Fifth House of pleasure, creativity, and self-expression over the next few weeks, you should focus on what lights you up. Don’t be afraid to speak what’s in your heart or share your creative output. Allow yourself to discover where your ideas and interests may lead. During this time, you might feel compelled to learn something new or pick up a new hobby—don’t deny yourself that. This card encourages you to do, try, go, and experience something different. Seek out what brings you joy and have fun!
Your Card: Eight of Cups
The Eight of Cups is a card of transition, walking away, and moving forward. It’s about accepting when it’s time to let go. This is going to be a season of releasing what no longer serves you. Stepping away from what feels familiar is scary and uncomfortable, but you’ve arrived at a point in your life where you know something has to change. You’re not going to find the fulfillment you seek in what you’ve outgrown. Sit with the discomfort and be radically honest with yourself about what these things are. The Sun is in your Fourth House, marking this as an ideal time to start setting different roots and pursuing a path more in alignment with your values and desires. You don’t have to have all the answers now, but you do have to embrace the possibilities by creating more space for them. Whether it’s a job, living situation, or relationship, if it doesn’t feel right anymore, it’s for a reason.
Your Card: Page of Cups, reversed
During the next few weeks, you might experience days where you feel unmotivated and uninspired. It’s going to lead to frustration and delays and make it difficult to get any good work done. Don’t let these creative blocks take control of your life. Instead, get a hold of them. Be patient and kind to yourself. Know when to take a step back. Sometimes it’s best to walk away for a little while before coming back to the drawing board. Striving for perfection is never going to give you the results you want. Creativity is imperfect. It’s messy. It’s not something that can be tamed. If you’re feeling stifled, it’s because you’re confining yourself by aiming for a flawless product. Allow yourself to have fun with it. Make mistakes. Scrap it all and start over as many times as you need. Let loose and stop overthinking it.
Your Card: Two of Swords, reversed
The Sun moves out of your sign and into Sagittarius, lighting up your Second House of money, security, self-worth, and value. If you’ve been avoiding making decisions surrounding your finances and the things that add value to your life, the Two of Swords in reverse urges you to confront them. Maybe you’ve reached an impasse in financial matters, there’s something you need to learn when it comes to managing your income, or perhaps you’ve been refusing to face the reality of your finances. Don’t run away from it any longer, Scorpio. It’s also important that you tend to the things that bring meaning and purpose into your life, as well as those that bring you a sense of inner worth.
Your Card: Wheel of Fortune, reversed
Happy Birthday, Sag! Welcome to your season! The Sun shines bright in your First House of self and new beginnings, illuminating where you’re resistant to change, repetitive cycles, and patterns that need to be broken. This is a time for pressing the reset button and turning the page to a new chapter. In order to do that, you have to stop escaping your true destiny, which means embracing the necessary shifts in your life. Where do you know you need to surrender? What situations, people, or old beliefs do you need to let go? What’s preventing you from moving forward? Confront what confines you, and then cut it out of your life. For a while, it may be messy and incredibly difficult. It may feel like everything is falling apart. But in order to build something great and embody the person you want to become, you do need to bulldoze over the decaying ruins of your life.
Your Card: The Hanged Man
While the Sun moves through your Twelfth House of spirituality, you’re going to be slowing down and placing your attention inward. The Hanged Man calls on you to take this pause and use the season to surrender and gain a new perspective. Prioritize rest, self-care, and tending to old wounds. Set intentions around healing. Allow yourself to gain clarity where you need it. Let go of the past and learn to appreciate the present. Try to understand that the reason that sometimes things don’t work out the way we hoped or planned for is because opportunities we haven’t even yet thought of are waiting to present themselves. No matter how stuck you may feel, trust that yours are just around the corner.
Your Card: Temperance
When this card shows up, it signals a time in which restoring your equilibrium is in order. There are some serious imbalances in your life right now, be it stress, burdens, work, or disharmony in your relationships. Dedicate Sagittarius season to slowing down and taking a more moderate approach to all aspects. Identify the changes you need to make to strike the right balance. Do you need to make certain compromises or sacrifices? Do you need to cut your workload? Do you need to allow more focus on your personal life? Do you need to walk away from certain situations or people? Do you need to postpone certain goals? Take your time, Aquarius. Carefully consider your options and let your inner knowing lead the way.
Your Card: Four of Wands
You’re laser-focused on all things work and surrounding your career as the Sun electrifies your Tenth House of profession and legacy. You’re motivated, picking up speed, working hard towards your goals, networking, and making sure your name leaves an impact. It’s great that you’re propelling forward with such tenacity, but don’t forget to take care of yourself while you’re busy building a strong foundation. The Four of Wands wants to remind you not to feel guilty for having a little fun. Allow yourself breaks here and there. Get out and be social. Nurture your most meaningful connections. Celebrate your small victories, no matter how small they may seem. It’s the end of the year, Pisces, so don’t work yourself too hard.