Why Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type Can’t Sleep (Due To Overthinking)
They had a GENIUS new idea for their next adventure around midnight – and now they’re up booking plane tickets and attempting to teach themselves Mandarin.
They were reading the BEST BOOK and they were only 300 pages away from the end…
They’re experimenting with the four-hour-a-day sleep schedule, which they definitely will not forget all about in two days.
They go to bed at 11am and wake up at 9pm every day, this is perfectly normal for them.
Someone they loved needed to talk.
They’ve been out all night. Everyone knows nothing good ever happens before at least 3am.
They get up at 4am every day, in order to get in a two-hour workout, have a balanced breakfast and still be the first one in at the office.
They’re volunteering for a crisis hotline that stays open all night.
They only ever feel creatively inspired after midnight – which means their best art projects are often products of being awake at 4am.
They’re entertaining guests and have woken up four hours before everyone else in order to prepare a surprise breakfast buffet.
They have a test/presentation tomorrow morning and their mind has been up taunting them with worst-case scenarios since they tried to go to bed at 10pm.
They’re pulling a hilarious prank on someone that could only be pulled off in the middle of the night.
They’re trying out a new sleep schedule where they go to bed at 8pm and get up at 4am every day, in order to have a couple of quiet hours to meditate and read before their day begins.
They already got their allotted four hours of sleep. Everyone knows that sleep is for the weak.
They volunteered to work the night shift at work, because everyone else refused to and somebody had to do it.
4am is the only time they can get some damn peace and quiet.