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A Pep Talk For 4 Zodiacs Feeling Pressured To Have Everything Figured Out


Nobody puts more pressure on you than you do Virgo, and we all know you respond best to tough love, so here it goes: Stop trying to fix everyone else’s mess. While it is true you’ve been cursed with the ability to immediately recognize other people’s incompetence, their failings are not an invitation or mandate for you to come in and fix the situation. You can, over time, learn to let it go. You have enough on your own plate. That’s where you should start, with the small personal things you have control over. You cannot support the entire world on your own two shoulders, but you can stand on your own two feet in a way that is proud and mindful. You can, even though you don’t believe it, drown out the cacophony of unnecessary noise around you to create your own sanctuary. 


Everything can’t get done at once, Gemini. That is the new mantra I gift to you. Focus on one thing at a time. Do it well, do it to your best ability. Give it your attention and care, and then cross it off your list. Take this approach throughout your day, within the time allotted to work or chores or any other responsibilities, and then call it a day. Make yourself dinner. Get into your comfiest clothes, and take some time to vegetate on your couch or in your bed. You cannot have your whole life planned out in a single day. Things take time, and time comes in all different quantities. What you want in days could take years. The important part is that you are present for the journey.


You feel pressure to live up to everyone’s expectations, Libra, but sometimes the path you want to carve for yourself is different from the one everyone is standing on the sidelines for, waiting to cheer you on. You have to be willing to go it alone sometimes to get where you want to be. You have to do the work, cover the miles, and keep your eyes on the horizon without a pat on the back, or anyone waiting to greet you. But figuring it out alone doesn’t mean you’re lost, contrary to anyone’s comments or beliefs. Just because others don’t recognize your efforts doesn’t mean they haven’t been made. You’re on the right path, just stay true to yourself.


You don’t have it figured out because you don’t know what you want Scorpio, and that’s all part of the process. It’s okay to explore. To try things on for size and walk around in them like a pair of shoes you’re deciding whether to buy. This part of your life is meant for evaluation and contemplation. You have to be aware of the options available to you before you can decide what is ultimately right for you and your life. And it’s a process you just can’t rush. When you’ve stumbled upon the thing, the person, the place, the calling that’s meant for you, you will know. Trust in your own intuition. And until you feel that knowing deep in your bones, just trust in the process of searching. You can’t find what you’ve never looked for.