A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect During The Final Week Of 2022
Your card: Knight of Swords
While everyone else is spending this week relaxing and getting as much sleep as their schedule allows, you’ve got a burst of motivation to get things done. You’ve got some cool ideas and don’t want to wait around planning in order to start and finish them. Go with this feeling, because times like these can be rare.
Your card: Page of Swords
Whether you planned to spend your last week of the year reading books or learning new things, you’ll probably end up doing that regardless. You’d shove as much knowledge into your brain as possible, if you could. Ride that wave of creativity and curiosity. You might even be busting with new ideas, but no need to start doing them now. A research period is totally fine.
Your card: 10 of Wands
You’re going to have some problems with insecurity this week. If you can quiet the voices telling you that you’re a burden, that would be great. All the struggles you’re going through are very real and not ideal, but you don’t have to start beating yourself up about it. Give yourself some grace.
Your card: The Devil
This card is more often about your shadow self than some outsider. Your negative thoughts will have an impact on your week, and that can manifest as problems with addiction, materialism, or attachment. Basically all of your flaws are going to be coming out in full force. You might want to stay home and focus on some self-care to weather the storm.
Your card: 8 of Wands
Get ready for a change of plans this week. It’s not always easy to ride with changes, but they’re inevitable and out of your control. You could stubbornly dig in your heels or just go with it. That power is entirely up to you. Just know that you’ll probably have to make some quick decisions.
Your card: Page of Wands
You’re feeling good this week. Congrats! You’ll be feeling particularly creative and free-spirited, which isn’t something that always comes your way. Embrace the feeling and ride the enthusiasm. Perhaps you’ll be entering the new year with a new more laid-back attitude. And if not, that’s okay, too.
Your card: The World
You’re ending your year feeling accomplished and fulfilled, which is exactly the feeling we all want as we enter 2023. You’d done a lot this year, accomplishment many things, and maybe even did a bit of traveling. Honestly, you have no complaints, which is great. If only everyone could have gotten this card!
Your card: The Empress
You’ve got a creeping desire this week to spend time with the people you care about. You’ll want to show them how important they are to you, and you might as well go with it. Celebrate your inner circle, spend time with them, make their favorite foods. This card is about femininity and nurturing, which you’ll feel way more than normal this week.
Your card: Strength
This card is all about inner strength. Whether things go your way or you have to do some damage control, you’ll know that you can handle pretty much anything this week. You’re such a rock that you can even be that strength for other people if they’re having a rough time. Your compassion knows no bounds.
Your card: 8 of Pentacles
You’re known for being a bit of a workaholic and that doesn’t stop just because it’s the last week of the year. Though you might have some time off from your actual job, that won’t stop you from getting other goals accomplished. After all, there’s never a bad time to develop some new skills.
Your card: Judgement
You might be feeling a little judgement from others this week, whether deserved or not. Don’t let other people’s opinions of you sway you into thinking that you aren’t good enough. Life is about being yourself and doing the right thing regardless of how other people feel about it.
Your card: 2 of Cups
Love might be in the air for you this week, Pisces. This card is all about mutual attraction and partnership. If you’re already in a relationship, things are looking good for you as you enter a new year. If you have a crush on someone, now might be the time to make a move. And if you’re single with no prospects, it’s time to give dating apps another shot.