Artemis’s Tarot Cards Will Guide Your Divine Feminine Era
Artemis, the goddess of the Moon, the wilderness, and protector of women, is known for being a highly spiritual and sacred figure. She is often the head of divine femininity, as she carries herself with ultimate strength and power and is known for using her powers to protect women in need of help. If you are entering your divine feminine era or uncovering your own inner strength, you may look to Artemis to guide you. These tarot cards – which are highly related to the goddess herself – may help light your way to your new chapter.
The Moon
The Moon arrives to unveil the secrets hidden within you. This card is said to deal with the subconscious mind; it wants to unveil your fears, your secrets, and your hidden shadow self. These are the things you must confront in order to move forward; by exposing them, the Moon brings about healing.
The Moon is often associated with spirituality because of the meaning of our Moon itself. Long associated with Artemis, the Moon symbolizes nature, spirituality, healing, and new energy. As the goddess of the Moon, when you pull the Moon card, you may be receiving guidance from Artemis herself.
In order to move into your divine feminine era – of which Artemis would most certainly be approving – you must work on healing your past self. You cannot reach your highest self without working on who you are currently. The Moon aims to bring these two selves into harmony by forcing you to begin your divine healing journey.
The High Priestess
The High Priestess is often said to be the most powerful feminine card in the entire tarot. She is often known to be sacred and divine. She is highly spiritual and mysterious, and is believed to be deeply connected with the Moon.
Artemis is associated with both the Moon and with priestesses, and is a protector of women. The High Priestess is intrinsically connected with this Greek goddess through her spirituality, intuition, and communes with the subconscious.
If you receive the High Priestess in a reading, know that you must trust your intuition and your subconscious. The solutions you seek are already within you; listen to your heart and your gut, and you’ll know what to do. Clarity will soon come to you, but you must uncover it for yourself.
The Empress
The Empress is about nurturing and caring. She has connections to Artemis – both figures rule over fertility and are known to protect women or be hallmarks of femininity. The Empress sparks creativity in all who receive her, breathing new life into old projects or giving a querent a new idea to inspire them.
Both Artemis and the Empress are protectors, relating them to one another. The two women are known to be nurturing and caring, especially for those close to them. They imbue that spirit into those who follow them and look for their guidance; if you want to care for your loved ones, are protective of those close for you, or show your love to those you care for deeply, then both the Empress card and Artemis may appear to guide you.