Outlook For The Rat During The Chinese Year Of The Green Wood Snake
It’s important for you to keep up your guard at work during the Year of the Wood Snake. Get agreements in writing, keep your paperwork in a locked drawer, and set strong passwords on your computer and phone. Store all electronic communications in secure files and don’t delete them until next year. This is a fantastic time for professional development, so take advantage of any opportunity to advance your knowledge, obtain a license, or earn a degree. This is also a good year to change career paths.
Taking care of your mental health is key this year. Whether you undergo therapy, attend a support group, or take prolonged breaks from work is up to you. Just be sure to monitor how you’re thinking. When you want to change your circumstances, alter your perspective. Surrounding yourself with positive people, listening to uplifting music, and limiting exposure to upsetting news cycles can also help.
When it comes to courtship, slow and steady wins the race. Avoid casual hookups and pursue serious commitments instead. Rats who already have partners should use their excellent communications skills to resolve power struggles. Understanding what causes arguments can pave the way for a deeper level of intimacy in 2025.