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Here’s How Every Zodiac Sign Can Make The Most Of 2/22


We’ve all seen the angel number before — on a clock, a license plate, someone’s tattoo, or a receipt. Seeing these numbers is a powerful sign from the Universe. 222 represents intuition, connection, and fostering balance and harmony in our lives and relationships. It’s no coincidence that 2/22 is during Pisces season since Pisces is the zodiac sign known for being the most intuitive.

With all that being said, some zodiac signs will find that the energy during this time is stronger for them than for others. (Ahem, Pisces.) Here is how you can make the most of 2/22/23, based on your zodiac sign:


Talk it out. If you’ve been feeling a bit on edge or extra hotheaded lately, especially with a partner or a friend, talk to them. Taking the time to understand one another is crucial for connection. The only way for you to find peace and harmony in your relationships is if you communicate.


Do something that gives you pleasure. You appreciate the beautiful and romantic things in life. Today is a good day to go inward and pay attention and strengthen your sensual side, the part of you that seeks pleasure. Connecting with yourself in this way will help you in the long run.


Spend time with friends. This time is all about fostering harmony and balance in our relationships. You thrive in a social environment, but today is a good day for you to focus on your friendships in a more intimate setting. Invite one or two friends over for a movie night or go out for a cute dinner.


Do some self-care. You are one to take care of others and put their needs before yours. But today is a good day to take care of you instead. Whatever self-care means to you — taking a shower, doing a face mask, folding your laundry, making your comfort meal — just do it. Prioritize yourself.


Do yoga. To you, when you look good, you feel good. So if you want to feel and look good and harness the power of 2/22, do some yoga. With stretches, breathing, and mindfulness practices, you will feel your absolute best afterward.


Practice mindfulness. You’re always obsessing over your next move and making sure things get done. You’re too anxious and it’s causing a lot of distance in your body. You need to be present and quiet your mind! Start practicing mindfulness. Today.


Take a relaxing bath. Or a hot shower, whatever floats your boat. Either way, you need to relax! Light some candles and put lavender bubbles in the tub. Do a full body scrub but be mindful every time you rub your hands over your body. This is where you will find your peace.


Meditate. You can be mysterious and mystical at times, and people are drawn to that. Today, you are feeling as if your magnetic aura is more powerful than ever. If you want to harness this energy for the rest of the Pisces season, you need to meditate and explore the deeper parts of your mind.


Spend time in nature. Sometimes you feel like you’re a bit all over the place, physically and mentally. If you want to be more grounded, spend time in nature. Sit at the beach or take a walk in the park. You’ll find a lot of peace here.


Journal. You’re more practical than others, so doing any sort of mindfulness practice feels weird to you. If that’s the case, then just journal! Make a habit — starting today — to write down your thoughts and emotions. It will feel weird at first but it will get easier for you to talk about your feelings.


Engage in a creative activity. You love being intellectually stimulated. If you want to make the most of this day so that it benefits you in the future, do something that is creatively stimulating. Paint. Write. Take up a pottery class. Pick up your guitar. This will be good for you and you know it.


Meditate. The energy today is strongest for you today, but especially for the rest of your season. Be sure to take time for yourself today by sitting in a quiet room, playing some 222Hz frequency meditation music, and meditating. This is how you will connect to your deepest self.