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Here’s What Commitment Really Looks Like, Based On Your Birth Month

Not everyone’s definition of a commitment is the same. Some struggle with feeling tied down while others embrace a traditional rom-com level when it comes to a serious relationship. Look for your birth month to find out what commitment looks like for you.


Your commitment could be best described as a ’90s romantic comedy. You love the classic romantic relationship arc and hate everything that comes with modern dating. For you, it’s roses and chocolates on Valentine’s Day. It’s moonlit walks on the beach and fancy restaurant dates for every relationship milestone. You like it old-school and familiar, and won’t accept anything less.


You know you’ve found the right one when you don’t mind spending less time on your hobbies and passion projects to instead spend it on the one you love. It’s hard for you to let new people enter your life. Changing up your routine or reducing your workaholic career life is rare at best. If you’re willing and actually excited to spend more time with this person, they should feel extra special.


You love your relationships to burn brightly from the beginning. Your ideal commitment is bold from the start–nothing quiet and subtle for you. Once the honeymoon luster starts to fade, you might drop off the face of the Earth in favor of being in a dull relationship. But that’s okay–long-term commitments aren’t for everyone. Let’s just hope your big fling knows what they’re getting into.


You’ve gotten to the “I love you” stage. For you, open communication is very important. As soon as you’re feeling something for someone–and that usually happens pretty quickly–you aren’t afraid to tell them. The difference between the beginnings of a maybe relationship and a full commitment for you is when you’ve found a person who is just as open with saying exactly how they feel about you.


You can spend a whole week together at home and never get sick of each other. You really value your time at home, so it means a lot when you invite someone into your routine. And if you can share a bunch of that time together, vegging on the couch and eating your favorite snacks, then you know this is something special. It shows a level of comfort you don’t hand out so easily.


You need a partner who doesn’t lead with jealousy. You’re a natural flirt, so being with someone who’s insecure will cause problems. If they know that you don’t mean any harm and you’re just being your naturally friendly self, that’ll go a long way. While jealousy sounds fiery and interesting for some, a true commitment for you doesn’t feature any overbearing envy or a lack of trust.


They were there for you when you went through a terrible hardship–and it only made you feel better. We all go through tough times, and for you, you see the real quality of a person based on how they treat you when it happens. If you can confidently say that your partner is there for you when you need them, that’s a real win. That kind of warmth and comfort is paramount for a relationship with you.


Your most sustaining long-term commitments feature plenty of time apart. You tend to feel stifled if your partner is too demanding of your time. A true commitment with you not only features time apart from them–whether it’s you just having a day to yourself or the freedom to go out with your friends sans-partner–and they need to be totally okay with it. Even better, they should be just as happy with the occasional independence as you are.


You know you’re with the right person when you suddenly want to spend all your time together. You’re the one inviting your partner to every event, and are ecstatic to find your “default person”–the one you always have on-deck to talk about your day or go to see your favorite movie with. If someone can be so thoroughly a part of your day-to-day schedule, and you love it that way, then you know you’ve found the one.


Commitment looks serious and monogamous to you. You’re the friend of the group who always has a partner. You find them easily and are happy to jump into a serious relationship as soon as you discover how much you like them. It might mean that you bend and mold yourself to the one that you’re with, making each relationship fresh and new.


You know you’re in a committed relationship when you feel your walls start to slip away. You find yourself opening up to them in a way that you do with only the people you trust–and that isn’t a lot of people. Even so, the best partner for you is the one that doesn’t push. The right commitment has you opening up only when you feel comfortable, and never because you feel pressured.


You’ve booked a vacation together. You get bored really easily, which means you are very rarely ever in a committed relationship. It’s just not your kind of thing. But if you find someone who can keep up? Then you’re down to have them around for all your adventures. It means a lot if you’re actually willing to add them to your travel itinerary (or lack there-of.)