Photo by NĂ©o Rioux

Horoscope For Today: Monday, April 8, 2024

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Today, there will be a significant celestial event: a super new moon coinciding with a total solar eclipse. A super new moon happens when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit and aligns with the sun. A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, completely obscuring the sun and casting a shadow on certain parts of the Earth.

The April 8 solar eclipse will occur at 19 degrees and 24 minutes of Aries, conjuncting Chiron in Aries as well. The Super New Moon solar eclipse will bring positive personal development for most individuals. It is a prime time to set intentions for the future, due to eclipses being powerful providers of change and transformation. When the Super New Moon and the solar eclipse come together on this day, they can kick off a beneficial transformation process that will grant you a fresh start. This event in the skies will have quite the impact on your day, based on your zodiac sign. Read below to find out how this will impact you today:


With the sun in Aries and the new moon + solar eclipse happening in your sign, Aries, you will feel a huge surge of confidence and positive energy today. Others will be drawn to your confidence and demeanor, which will have you receiving an unexpected opportunity or invitation. Don’t be hesitant to accept this opportunity. Even if you don’t feel like you are completely equipped, say yes. You’ll figure out the details later.


The New Moon eclipse in Aries falls in your house of the subconscious today. This will have you feeling an unexpected strong desire for adventure and excitement. It’s a great day try new experiences, like taking a dance class that would normally be out of your comfort zone or partaking in social activities that offer some sort of thrill. Or, Taurus, is there a trip you’ve been dreaming of booking? Today is the day to book that flight, as the universe will be working it’s magic to make sure it’s smooth sailing for you.


The New Moon eclipse in Aries lands in your house of dreams and wishes today.  Aries energy can be impulsive and hasty, which means you may need to guard against making decisions too quickly or impulsively today. You will feel tempted to jump to conclusions without considering all the facts today. Be careful not to initiate any contentious conversations today or make any accusations. Get all of the details first, digest it and then make your move.


You will feel like you’re carrying around a lot of emotional baggage today, Cancers, but that’ll be completely normal. This emotional baggage no longer serves you, and if you don’t release it, it will start to impact various areas of your life. Take time to do some inner work today, release the baggage and make room for new beginnings. It will be difficult and painful, but you will be feeling invigorated on the other end.


Solar eclipses can bring about significant changes in relationship dynamics, and for Leos, this eclipse will catalyze shifts in your personal relationships. You will experience an ending in a relationship, as well as increased clarity and understanding on why it’s better to let go of that person than to hold on to a relationship that is no longer serving you or your greater good.


The New Moon eclipse in Aries ignites in your 9th house of power, Virgo. You will uncover a talent you haven’t thought twice about but it will bring a new opportunity to make passive income for you. With Mercury, your ruling planet, in ambitious Aries right now, you will be feeling extra eager to pursue this new opportunity. Make the most of this momentum, it may change your career path for the better.


You dear Libra, will be the most impacted by today’s solar eclipse. You’ve been feeling like you need to impress others and do exactly what they expect of you lately – but that ends today. Your self esteem is in need of a make over and you will receive that today. Remind yourself of who you are, not who society has molded you into. Once you let your authentic light shine, you will begin to notice every aspect of your life elevating, bit by bit.


You’ve been struggling with work / life balance lately, Scorpios. Some things take a village, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. People care about you and are happy to take some duties off of your plate. Allowing them to do so will give you the extra time for self care, coffee with friends, or meeting that cutie you matched with on Hinge for cocktails weeks ago. Go paint the town red tonight, Scorpios!


Your neglecting your hobbies lately, which is making you feel like your inner light is dimmer than usual. These hobbies are who you are, and they add spice to your life. Whether it’s reading, painting, working out, or whatever your hobby is – prioritize it today. It is essential to start incorporating it back into your daily routine. It will also be crucial to setting the foundation for a smooth and steady rest of April for you.


Oh Capricorns, known for your excellent work ethic. The solar eclipse may bring changes related to your career path and professional goals. You will feel inspired to pursue a new promotion or leadership role, or you may even start to explore alternative career paths today. Be sure to go for whatever it is, and go for whatever aligns with your long term goals and plan. Use the energy of the solar eclipse in your favor today.


It seems you’ve gotten to the point that you allow others to think for you, which is against the very fiber or your being, Aquarians. Things have been flatlining for you lately, which means you haven’t had new experiences to draw wisdom from. Try to spice things up today. Say yes to the last person you’d think you’d ever go on a date with, or engage in conversations with those who have different political views as you. It’ll reignite your inner wisdom and have you feeling like yourself again.


You may feel like you need to be codependent on someone else’s finances right now, but now you need to focus on regaining your own financial footing. Those who you are depending on won’t be around for much longer, so if you don’t set yourself up well now you will find yourself in a panic when that day comes. Regain control of your finances, and you will be in a good place for the rest of the year.