
Horoscope For Today: Friday, June 7, 2024

Heading into the weekend, we find ourselves midway through Gemini’s date range (May 21-June 21) and perched on the cusp of what will hopefully be a long, luxurious, and rewarding summer for everyone.

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Relevant astronomical events for today:

New Moon in Gemini

This started last night. The new lunar cycle begins. Nights will be especially clear for stargazing, as the dark sky will be unhampered by the moonglow. It’s a time for new beginnings, new resolutions, and setting out on new paths.

Mercury Conjunct Venus

This auspicious mingling of the first planet, Mercury (ruler of communication) and the second planet, Venus (ruler of love and sensuality) brings a unique opportunity to unashamedly express our amorous desires. If you know what you want, it’s time to articulate it, especially if your secret crush is completely clueless that you have the hots for them.

Sun Square Neptune

This aspect is traditionally associated with confusion, sensitivity, escapism, and uncertainty, so if you’re on the brink of making any major decisions, it’s best to wait for a few days—especially if your sign is ruled by either the Sun or Neptune.

Mars in Trine to Jupiter

This is today’s most encouraging astronomical development. Mars (the warrior planet) is positioned at a 120-degree angle from Jupiter (the lucky planet). This facilitates boldness, confidence, vitality, growth, and expansion. If your sign is uniquely influenced by either Mars or Jupiter, it’s time to charge ahead with a confident grin.

Here is your personal horoscope as dictated by today’s unique alignment of the Sun, Moon, and planets.


Since you are ruled by Mars, the Mars Trine Jupiter aspect comes to the forefront for you today. At the risk of overstating things, today marks the beginning of a summer where you will finally rule the Earth. The sunshine is in your face, the wind is at your back, and history is on your side. Make that decision you’ve been hesitating to make. Step into the leadership role for which the stars have predestined you. And while you ascend to your rightful throne, remember to thank and honor those of us (ahem) who encouraged you on your way to the top.


Mercury Conjunct Venus comes into sharp focus today because you are ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury, sensuality, and beauty. Like a superhero zooming in with a cape, Mercury swoops in to nudge you to use your powers of persuasion to literally charm the pants off the object of your lust. It is time for you to switch into Flirtation Mode. Call your secret crush and tell them you’re headed to the beach with a bottle of vodka and a tube of sunscreen. Ask them ever so coyly if they’d like to join you.


As with Taurus, the Mercury Conjunct Venus aspect is your crucial celestial event today. But unlike the stubborn-ass Bull, your planetary ruler is Mercury. You focus a little too much on logic and communication at the expense of pleasure and leisure. Although I’m not a psychic (I’m barely even an astrologer!), I get the sense that you’ve been feeling overworked and exhausted lately. If you can swing it, maybe take the entire day off. A confidential source tells me that there’s a Taurus at the local beach who’s drowning their sorrows in vodka because their secret crush never picked up the phone when they called to ask if they’d like to join them. 


Because the Moon is your ruler, you a hyper-emotional homebody with deep maternal instincts. The New Moon in Gemini defines your horoscope today, and it encourages you to try something just a little different than usual. What better way to spend a Friday night in late spring than to leave the comfort of your home and strike out into the darkness? You’ll never be able to see the stars in the sky if you never set foot out of your house.


As the zodiac’s undisputed alpha personality, you are a fire sign ruled by the Sun and symbolized by the Lion. But today, and for the rest of the week, the Sun Square Neptune aspect casts a thick cloud of confusion over your personal affairs. Although you might just be a little too arrogant and haughty to heed my advice, I’d counsel you to avoid making any earth-shattering or life-altering decisions this week.


Mercury is your ruler, so the Mercury Conjunct Venus aspect comes to the forefront for you today. Mercury teaches you to be logical, which is the source of your legendary perfectionism, but Venus and her charms are luring you into the messy and often imperfect realm of love and attraction. I’d suggest that you take a chance with a love interest today. You can be as logical as you want for the rest of the year, but treat today as if it were Valentine’s Day.


Unlike Taurus, who shares Venus as your planetary ruler, you don’t overindulge. Instead, you seek balance in all you do. But sometimes balance can make life a little boring and stale. “Everything in moderation” is your motto, but that should also include moderation. You’ve been a wee bit too responsible lately. Tilt the Scales toward pleasure and romance today. Yield to temptation, but don’t go overboard. Remember that not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, and this includes new genital rashes.


You are one of five signs ruled by two planets. In your case, the feisty Mars and the dark, cold, and remote Pluto—which is no longer even considered to be a planet—share custody of you. So forget about Pluto, because Mars in Trine to Jupiter, which represents a golden combination of chutzpah and luck, is your vital aspect today. Make a list of your biggest fears and plot a scheme to conquer each one. Disregard your “dark” side and bask in the soothing light of victory. You can go back to being mysterious and enigmatic when the weather gets cold again.


You are the zodiac’s most adventurous and curious sign, the brave pioneer who boldly travels where others dare not go. Since Jupiter rules you, the Mars in Trine to Jupiter aspect should impel you to venture forth and blaze new trails with full confidence. Today is your lucky day, so take advantage of it. Pull back the strings on your bow and start shooting arrows into the sky. I guarantee that one of them will hit its mark. When you give a shout-out to the universe, it hears you. It may not respond immediately, but it will.


Today is Friday, and the weekend begins as the sun slowly sets. Do something tonight that helps you relax and recharge. Break your routine by doing something totally spontaneous and undisciplined. Your biggest virtue—being disciplined and goal-oriented—can often be your biggest flaw, because a regimented, all-work-and-no-play lifestyle can make anybody miserable. Take some time to breathe and laugh. 


Do a little soul-searching today. Have you been procrastinating and avoiding an important goal? Be honest with yourself. Before the sun rises today, there will be an early morning meteor shower that will be easy to see because of the new Moon. Treat that spectacle of celestial fireworks as if it was a candle on a birthday cake. Make a wish on it. Take advantage of the New Moon in Gemini and take your first few steps in an amazing new journey.


Your planetary ruler is Neptune, the Roman god of the sea, and you are symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions yet bound together by rope. The Sun Square Neptune aspect should guide your actions today. Don’t make any big decisions. I repeat: DON’T MAKE ANY BIG DECISIONS. The fog will lift in a few days. Until then, go swimming in the deep waters of your soul. Take some time to reflect. Weigh your options. But the only decision you should make today is to not make any decisions.