Horoscope For Today: Friday, March 21, 2025
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Today is a rough start for the zodiac signs, but we will likely feel more hopeful by the end!
The moon is in jovial and explorative Sagittarius, which typically gives our emotions a much more optimistic boost. However, the moon forms a tense square with Saturn in Pisces, bringing the vibes way down. We may wrestle with feeling depressed or hopeless about certain situations, and it can be hard to see a way through the difficult emotions.
However, Venus in Aries forms a supportive sextile to Pluto in Aquarius. While this energy is more energetic and unpredictable, it can be the jumpstart to shake us out of our funk and not stay rooted in the day’s heaviness.
Check your signs below (Rising and Sun!) to see what today has in store for you!
You’re wrestling with some past ghosts today, Aries. Being reminded of ways you may have hurt others in the past, even unintentionally, can cast a heavy shadow that is hard to navigate. While being aware of mistakes is good to learn from, wallowing and subjecting ourselves to constant criticism doesn’t do anyone good. It’s worth taking and applying those lessons as you navigate newer connections—you aren’t doomed to repeat the same things if you stop obsessing over the past.
It’s hard to admit when we didn’t handle things well, Taurus. Compromising ourselves to be accepted by others or allowing our vulnerability to be used against us by people we thought we could trust can feel humiliating to reflect on. However, rather than allowing that to be an excuse never to put yourself out there again, it’s best to step up and figure out ways to keep others from doing the same thing—sharing about your experiences may feel embarrassing, but you may be surprised by how many can benefit from it.
Be aware of how things can escalate today, Gemini. Sometimes, one small misunderstanding or disagreement can blow out of proportion quickly, and it can be hard to repair the damage. You may feel as though your partners or friends have done something to hurt you, but it’s worth taking a step back and asking yourself whether you are projecting your fears onto a situation. Talking to a few trusted friends (who aren’t directly involved in the situation) can help provide some perspective.
It may feel like what you’re currently doing is meaningless, Cancer. When we have different ideas about where we should be, it’s easy to feel discouraged or depressed not to see it coming to fruition—it can seem as though there isn’t a reason to try. However, rather than measuring what you’re doing by others’ standards, it’s time to realize that if you want to do meaningful work, you must be willing to take the risk and do what it takes to make it happen. You may also be surprised to discover that what you’re currently doing does have meaning, even if it isn’t what you expected—keep your heart and mind open to seeing things differently,
You feel selfish for trying to enjoy yourself today, Leo. The desire to want to focus on the positive and be carefree isn’t wrong, but circumstances in your life, likely the opinions of others, are making you feel as though you are reckless or don’t take things seriously enough, and it can be hurtful to be cast in that light. However, sometimes, it helps to step outside our comfort zone and connect with others who can help change our perspectives. You may find that your relationships change tremendously when you see things from a different point of view.
It may feel hard to connect with your loved ones today, Virgo. A struggle of wanting to be alone or keep to yourself may result in discomfort in your relationships—maybe people in your life think you’re trying to send a message, or perhaps something they said is causing you to want to pull away. If you leave things unresolved, the chasm will only grow bigger, so take the time to get to the root of what’s really bothering you and take time to address it. It can likely be worked through, but not if you choose to shut down.
It’s hard not to feel appreciated, Libra. You have exciting ideas and opinions you want to share, but you’re weighed down by everything else. Being constantly busy with tasks and errands leaves you feeling burnt out, and even when you finally catch your breath, it seems like what you want to express is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It’s worth returning to basics today—grabbing a few loved ones and letting yourself relax and express yourself fully without fixating on what else needs to be done. Give yourself the chance to be validated and cared for rather than carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Not having the level of security and prosperity you desire is weighing heavily on you today. These feelings aren’t necessarily materialistic—sometimes, we just want enough to feel confident in our abilities to provide and care for ourselves and others. However, it seems any strides in that area come at a greater cost to your joy and creativity. Take a moment today to reflect on your accomplishments and all you have to be proud of. It is worth changing your mindset rather than being consumed by what you don’t have.
It’s hard not to feel accepted for who you are, Sagittarius. While you may be proud of yourself, criticism from relatives or others who you consider your safe place can weigh heavily on you, especially if you’ve been vulnerable enough to share with them about who you are and want to be. While it can be easy to allow the negativity to consume you, remember that there are plenty of people who do/will love you as you are, so don’t silence your voice and your self-expression for the sake of not rocking the boat—it’s not worth hiding who you are to make people happy.
Sometimes, we are our own worst enemy, Capricorn. Knowing you have so much inside of you that wants to come out but not being able to put it into words or feeling restricted by your upbringing can feel suffocating. The temptation to be frustrated with yourself for not having thoughts and opinions that “align” better with those around you can lead you to a spiral of beating yourself up. It’s worth reflecting on how you’ve become the person you are and giving yourself credit for the positive things you bring to others’ lives—seeking out loved ones to reassure you of these qualities can be helpful to get you out of the negative self-talk.
Sharing your visions and dreams with others may not turn out how you hope, Aquarius. It turns out that others may not agree with how you see things, and it’s enough to leave you doubting yourself. While checking ourselves is worth doing, know that sometimes different thinking is needed, not something to be ashamed of. You’re likely not alone in your views, so try to find people who share them so you can express yourself fully.
You want to be taken seriously, Pisces. The desire to do well and be recognized for your efforts is understandable, but you’re too hard on yourself. Even small mistakes can leave you reeling, worried that you’ve blown it or that others won’t respect you. Rather than spiraling about what others think of you, it’s worth taking some time today to focus on what you think of yourself. That voice matters deeply, and you should listen to it, too.