Horoscope for Today: Friday, November 29, 2024
Today the moon carries on through the dark and sordid realm of Scorpio, dredging up unhealed trauma and fixing our collective attention on the taboo, the mysterious, and the misunderstood.
Not much is happening in the way of transits today, but those that involve the moon, so you can expect a highly Scorpionic twenty-four-hour span in which you might find it more satisfying to simply sit with the uncomfortable feelings rather than try to will them away.
The chance to actually explore these emotions, and potentially capitalize on them, comes along later in the day, when the moon forms a sextile to Venus at 21° of Capricorn at 1:51 PM EST. If you are interested in finding ways to discuss your trauma in a constructive way with your partner or begin a new creative project that enables you to profit from your experiences, this is the ideal cosmic energy, as Venus typically brightens every planet it touches.
After dark, the most chaotic transit of the day occurs when the moon forms an exact opposition to Uranus at 24° of retrograde Taurus. At 8:32 PM, you can expect a catalyst for emotional reactivity and explosive angst, especially for those with unhealed wounds surrounding money, land, family lineage, and property.
As with any Uranus transit, it’s best to prepare for the worst while remaining cautiously optimistic; it’s a bit of a wild card, sometimes reflecting sudden positive change, and other times ushering in very unpleasant new developments.
How is today likely to pan out for you? Read the following forecast according to your rising sign.
Today the moon transits through your eighth house, drawing your attention to the darker side of your psyche and encouraging you to explore your sexuality. This afternoon, when the moon makes a sextile to Venus in your tenth, you (and your partner) can feel comfortable going public with intimate and painful details about your struggles, both relationally and individually. Tonight, the moon’s opposition to retrograde Uranus in your second house triggers unexpected changes to your financial axis, bringing either good or bad news relating to the way you share resources.
Today the moon will be moving through your seventh house, placing your focus on your closest relationships. You might need to offer a shoulder to cry on today, putting others before yourself. Later, in the early afternoon, the moon makes a sextile to Venus in your ninth house, giving you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a spiritual or academic environment that is healthy and constructive for you—and, if you’re single, potentially meet someone interesting there. Tonight, the moon opposes retrograde Uranus in your first house, unleashing radical shakeups to your relationships and your identity. If you have a tendency toward codependency, this might be the catalyst you need to individuate.
As the moon transits through your sixth house today, you will feel motivated to accomplish all the tasks on your to-do list and pick up others’ slack at work. This afternoon, the moon makes a sextile to Venus in your eighth house, inciting dialogue with people whose wounds mirror your own. Don’t be afraid to get deep, share personal stories, and be honest. You might find that, by the end of the day today, you’ve organically connected with a new best friend or lover. It’s wise to remain a little guarded, though: tonight, when the moon opposes retrograde Uranus in your twelfth house, you might experience a shock to your system if you are not psychologically or mentally prepared to handle unexpected news. Be aware of your triggers and try to avoid turning to your usual vices to self-medicate.
Today, as the moon moves through your fifth house, your creative and romantic side will take center stage, giving you the confidence to indulge in pleasurable activities, either alone or with your partner. This afternoon, when the moon sextiles Venus in your seventh house, you’ll bond even more closely with your partner, deepening your relationship. If you’re currently unattached, head out to a museum or a concert: somewhere lively with lots of music and art is bound to fill you with inspiration and invite sensual strangers into your midst. Tonight, the moon opposes retrograde Uranus in your eleventh house, offering you a breakthrough in your social network, for better or for worse. If you’re out and about, there’s a strong chance that fated meetings will occur, radically transforming your idea of community.
Today the moon transits your fourth house, placing your focus on your family and domestic life. It might feel like a good morning to stay home and work remotely from your bed, but this afternoon, when the moon forms a sextile with Venus in your sixth house, your responsibilities will pile up. Even if you’re attending Teams meetings with your camera off and your pajamas on, you’ll be forced to maintain a strong and consistent work ethic for the remainder of the day, especially if your coworkers aren’t pulling their weight. Tonight, when the moon opposes retrograde Uranus in your tenth house, your work-life balance will be drastically shifted as something destabilizes your public image and reputation. Some of you need to strap in and prepare for scandals—if not your own, then those relating to your family.
Today the moon makes its way through your third house, giving you a keen, intuitive understanding of how to communicate certain ideas to an audience, even if they aren’t the most receptive. You won’t be afraid to dive deep and ask questions to get to the root of a problem, making you an asset to your community. This afternoon, the moon’s sextile with Venus in your fifth house gives you the push needed to send the risky DM or swipe right first: you’ll be in the mood to flirt and share creative ideas with potential partners or have a fun date night if you’re already happily settled down. Tonight, the moon’s opposition with retrograde Uranus in your ninth house shakes up your understanding of the world and causes an imbalance between your local environment and your global perspective.
The moon’s transit through your second house today gives you an opportunity to fix your attention on making—or spending—more money. If you have the disposable income, treat yourself to something nice. If you should be saving for the holidays, use some self-restraint. This afternoon, when the moon sextiles Venus in your fourth house, you’ll feel inspired to get a head start on Christmas shopping for your family and decorating your home. With your aesthetic sensibilities, you’ll make it look as cozy and inviting as possible. Again, be careful not to go overboard: tonight, when the moon opposes retrograde Uranus in your eighth house, you will inevitably have to own up to some debts you’ve been ignoring or have a hard conversation with your partner about your budget.
Today the moon illuminates your first house, giving you a boost of confidence and making you more attractive and alluring to others around you. If you need to play agony aunt to your friends or coworkers today, you’ll find it easier to adopt a more sympathetic and nurturing role. This afternoon, the moon’s sextile to Venus in your third house gives you an excellent command of language as you try to communicate difficult or taboo concepts to people in your local environment. If you’ve been dreading a hard conversation with a sibling or neighbor, they’re likely to be more receptive than you imagined. Your relationship sector will be rockier, though, when the moon opposes retrograde Uranus in your seventh house later tonight. While this isn’t necessarily breakup energy, some relationships will take a serious hit. If you are blindsided by a secret that your person has been keeping, you might be tempted to cut the cord for good.
As the moon makes its way through your twelfth house, infusing your subconscious with vivid dreams and imaginative ideas, you’ll want to isolate yourself and spend time processing your trauma. While it’s always a good idea to get in touch with your shadow, this afternoon the moon’s sextile with Venus in your second house places demands on you that are slightly more material than metaphysical. Consider the ways you’ve been letting your financial situation control your life and influence your mental state. Tonight, when the moon opposes retrograde Uranus in your sixth house, some form of chaos will erupt in your workplace. Some of you will be triggered to quit on the spot. If it’s time to move on, you’ll know it.
Today, as the moon transits your eleventh house, you have an enhanced clarity surrounding your social network and your broader community, as well as a desire to engage with different types of people. Don’t shy away from authenticity and probing for the deeper questions. This afternoon, the moon sextiles Venus in your first house, calling particular attention to what you have to offer as an individual and as a part of a larger group. Spend a little extra time styling your hair and wear an outfit that makes you feel the most confident, as you’ll be radiating self-assurance and physical beauty. Tonight, the moon’s opposition to retrograde Uranus in your fifth house could deliver a spark of almost magical creative insight—or a chance, brief romantic encounter.
With the moon brightening your tenth house today, you are in the spotlight whether you like it or not. It’s an ideal day to present a new concept or take the lead on a new project at work; don’t be afraid to speak up even if you fear your unconventional ideas won’t be accepted. On the contrary, you’re likely to reach more people with your raw, vulnerable self; this afternoon, the moon’s sextile to Venus in your twelfth house empowers you to speak loudly and boldly about your struggles. While your career might be taking off, be forewarned: tonight, the moon opposes retrograde Uranus in your fourth house, causing disruptions and destabilizing incidents within your physical home and in relation to your family.
Today, with the moon in your ninth house, your focus is on the bigger picture. You’re hoping to engage others in conversation about philosophy and spirituality, and this afternoon, when the moon makes its sextile to Venus in your eleventh house, you’ll find your tribe. Surround yourself with a group of friends who are on an equal frequency, or, if you’re lacking such a community, take the chance to join a spiritual, religious, or academic group for people with similar interests. You deserve to share your thoughts with like-minded individuals. Tonight, when the moon opposes retrograde Uranus in your third house, expect the unexpected: a shakeup to your local environment, such as tumultuous weather or a disagreement between neighbors, is bound to take place. Try to wait out the literal or metaphorical storm as patiently as you can, without adding fuel to the fire.